Playing Links 2003 in Fedora 41 Linux

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Playing Links 2003 in Fedora 41 Linux

Postby Medora01 on Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:51 am

I'm sure this has come up before, and I have been trying to do this for a lot of years, back likely when Fedora first started.
And what a difference playing this game in Linux, everything seems so smooth and loading seems super quick.
There is a great PDF over at Links corner to follow as I did, it was written for Mint, I use Fedora and it still worked great, as I am straying away from windows OS, Because I never really liked windows to start with :D

P.S. I should have added that I am playing it on a Aorus z490 ultra, i7 10700k, 32 gigs of 3600 ram, gtx 1060 GPU at 1920x1080
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