I don't recall ever seeing data like this so will put it up. I used Easy Swing to get the most accuracy (took a few mins to figure it out lol - just set distance with stick and click - it'll will be hit the same if you set it the same distance. I set it for 19' for the various hardnesses of the green (hit it the same in other words - with Easy Swing it's much easier). This is not true stimp but close. Here it is --
1.05 speeds
MM - 20'
S - 17'
F - 24'
SS - 15'
FF - 28'
SF - 20'
FS - 20'
Challenge speeds
MM - 39'
S - 32'
F - 53'
SS - 24'
FF - 63'
SF - 39'
FS - 39'
One thing that stands out that most of you know is SF and FS speeds are same as MM.