Now, b-4 we move on to opening up your game, 1 more thing Here
you'll want to go here: this page you want to select What you'll see in the current events page when we get you inside the game. See Pic
Whatever you select here is what you'll see in the game.
Now on this page you check off the boxes based on what you'll play
Official Tour- See all Tour events PLSA, CLSC and then the HCAP & FLHT when you reach 12 rounds of play
The Arcade- Events that members have submitted
My Leagues- Any events for Leagues that you have joined (See the Leagues Tab)
Then the tees check box, I would select all options. This way if you play Arcade events (Lots of Ladies Tees games)
Let me know how your doing, I have more pics and we can get you started!
I see your in Austria so your 6 hours ahead of me (EST)
Common sense and common courtesy two things this world needs more of.