fescue wrote:Jimboroks1 wrote:All those courses on Robert's website at
http://www.rdelorme.com/Links.htm are for 2003 Links right ? Then why don't they go on to my game when I double click them and enter them into the game?
Those files on that website do not appear to be courses. They are saved shots (Aces to be exact). They would go in your Saved Shots Folder.
Hi guys,
Exactly as you said Fescue, they are all Holes in one saved shots. And Jim, in order to see them, you have to have the corresponding course in your course folder. The file name identifies the course, and you can easily download it from Links Corner.
Be aware that all the shots were recorded from
Links 2003 courses .
The other file you see on that page, contains all the
Link 2003 patches needed to bring it up to date to
version 1.07.
I was going to put up the CRZ only, corresponding to those Aces, decided against it. It is better to download them from LC, because their packages include notes from the author of the course, recorded players sometimes, other important notices.