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Postby terrell on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:11 am

Rehit wrote:
RR_Desperado wrote: You want the mod conditions integrated into the game because it will possibly help promote it.

please learn how to read...

desperado reads just fine, rehit. i can't speak for desperado, but i suffer from not believing most of what i read/hear. it's a cross i must bear. but what people do speaks volumes that i do believe. if crissy and desperado are hesitant to accept any integration of v1.06 into v1.05, then that's their right. just because you say you have no self interest at stake means nothing. personally, i welcome any integration of v1.06, but my opinion is one vote just like everyone else's. it's up to mark to make the final decision on how he wants to run his tour. to say anyone with concerns is ignorant is rather myopic.

i'm really liking catherine's writing style. where you been? personally i like a good fist fight, but i'm enjoying your posts.
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Postby Crissy on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:14 am

MNicely wrote:those people that go to both forums are members .. is there a law against being a member of more than one forum ... NOT ... and if they are a member ... are they not allowed to post or have an opinion ...

No not at all I welcome them myself, ( No matter how irratateing they can be, because I am not immune to this affliction myself. lol ) I would die of boredom many times if it were not for them, I am not complaining only telling it like it is. But if you walk into the fire be prepared to get burned. I do it myself without even a thought I can carry on here about them and then toddle over to there forum, well knowing I will be mobbed when I get there. I do not mind as thats there right to give me a hard time if they like as I wound not give it second thought to doing it to them. Thats why I never get mad, its all fun to me the good and the bad, posting is what you make it.

I was over at rehits site not long ago and there was a guy that was bragging he was 6 foot something and 240 lbs and had an attitude he was in the army or something also. He said that people like me would not talk to him like that if we were face to face. It was like he would just smash me in the mellon or something. ( I am 5 feet 2 inches tall well almost ) Well on the internet when posting in any forum I am just a big as him, so if he cant take the heat get out of the fire. lol

Last edited by Crissy on Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MNicely on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:28 am

As a flame war will only get this thread closed

not my intention at all .... but this isnt a discussion of both sides arent heard ...

seems any post negative to 1.05 version or post about 1.06 are taken as negative... and even some [censored] at other forums is being done ...

I welcome constructive ideas .... and opinions ... I can then come to better understand the improvements and ideas if I read and learn .

this thread is all about pushing one idea on everyone ... and if you vary from that opinion ... well you can see the results ...

1.05 or 1.06 .... its all Golf to me ... and with the greatest Golf Sim ever made too ...

I did not mean to offend any one person ... truly only meant to make a point .

One question to all
When you first started playing Links ... did you shoot -23 your first round?
I would venture to say ..NO.. it took alot of playing before you learned the game and the way to play it ... well it is the same with version 1.06 ... it will require a commitment to improve ... now to me .. thats the fun ....
sorry if I did offend anyone ... I still love you all ...
Have a Merry Christmas and a SNAPPY New Year ....

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Postby tryandtyoneon on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:31 am

Quote.........You see, I don't think the majority of players have a problem with unrealistic conditions at all. In fact, I believe the majority of players here actually prefer them. I think we agree that the more challenging the game conditions become, the fewer people will want to play. But let's not fool ourselves into believing that this has anything to do with realism. I believe that the numbers show that the vast number of players here actually prefer unrealistic conditions -- just not difficult ones.

Wondering how realistic this is........taken from another forum.......moderate medium no less

Playing Apple Mountain 11th hole, greens M/M. 31.6 ft from the hole uphill.
Rolled the ball almost to the hole and it rolled backed down almost to where it started. Tried it again and rolled the ball a little past the hole
and it came back down the hill again. I then tried going sideways and tried
to work my way around the hole. Finally after 17 putts I holed out.

Don't think I will playing this course again.

This was with the mod 1.06

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Postby Rehit on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:37 am

i am not trying to start a flame war.
i am just quite frustrated when people keep repeating the same erronious information.
this lead to my comment about reading and comprehension.
perhaps i have not been clear...

1. nobody involved with the development of the game is trying to promote the Mod.

2. there is absolutely nothing to be gained, by anyone, by doing so.

3. we could care less what version of the game you play, as long as you enjoy playing.

4. i have made every attempt possible to dispell this "promotion of the Mod" crap, and have grown tired of repeating myself.

5. please continue running about screaming the sky is falling, and the world as we know it is coming to an end.

last but not least...


that is a simple as i can put it...
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Postby FDS_Catherine on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:50 am

Rehit and MNicely, my comments regarding a flame-war were not being directed to any-one in particular. I was just generalizing. As I can fully understand how clear certain posts have been here regarding why the mod was created etc.

I knew all this many, many moons ago. But some people do not. And quite frankly people should at least take the time to properly read posts, instead of quickly eyeing them over. This leads to not only not getting all the information from the full post, but then the red-mist starts to gather. Then one thing leads to another, and well I am sure you all know what happens.

I feel that there has been sufficiant information regarding the mod posted in this thread, that it would be very helpfull for other not so knowledgeable people in to help them better understand.

That is why I do not want a flame-war to close this thread, that is all.

I am sorry if anyone thought I was pointing the finger at them, when I was not.

( OMG, I cannot believe I just said the " S " word. And on an internet forum too. )

Postby Armand on Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:56 am

I think the resistance to incorporating different conditions (faster and harder) into the came stems from people wanting the game to be "easy" (not necessarily realistic or unrealistic). IRL, golf is extremely difficult for the vast majority. I think many people play Links as a "get-away from real golf/life and in doing so, want to relax and not be challenged too much (with practice and "easy/benign" conditions, many people have shown that the game can be "easy").

There are also many people (although seemingly not as many) who play Links similar to real golf -- and that is a difficult game, which simulates the real game more closely than "easy" conditions. Real golf is a challenge and is difficult (for most people).

In the end, it comes back to the same discussions of past regarding people playing Links as a game or as a simulation. As a PC game, players want to "beat the game" (and to increase chances of that, the game should be "easy" so more people). As a simulation, people want to experience the real life game (either in place of not playing it themselves or to experience something the 'guys/gals on TV' do).

I might also point out that if anyone chooses not to play the "latest" version of the game, there will still likely to be places to play - by oneself or online (there are still Links 2001 tours out there!). If there are enough people to warrant, I'm sure someone will keep a 1.05 tournament running when a newer version of the game comes around.

Last edited by Armand on Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby gibby on Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:03 am

Armand wrote:I think the resistance to incorporating different conditions (faster and harder) into the came stems from people wanting the game to be "easy" (not necessarily realistic or unrealistci). IRL, golf is extremely difficult for the vast majority. I think many people play Links as a "get-away from real golf/life and in doing so, want to relax and not be challenged too much (with practice and "easy/benign" conditions, many people have shown that the game can be "easy").

There are also many people (although seemingly not as many) who play Links similar to real golf -- and that is a difficult game, which simulates the real game more closely than "easy" conditions. Real golf is a challenge and is difficult (for most people).

In the end, it comes back to the same discussions of past regarding people playing Links as a game or as a simulation. As a PC game, players want to "beat the game" (and to increase chances of that, the game should be "easy" so more people). As a simulation, people want to experience the real life game (either in place of not playing it themselves or to experience something the 'guys/gals on TV' do).

I might also point out that if anyone chooses not to play the "latest" version of the game, there will still likely to be places to play - by oneself or online (there are still Links 2001 tours out there!). If there are enough people to warrant, I'm sure someone will keep a 1.05 tournament running when a newer version of the game comes around.


Now that last paragraph it what causes problems, It has already been said that the new version will still have events with 1.05 conditions, they just adding mod to the mix for other events.
Now how many events will be there is the question?
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Postby Armand on Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:09 am

gibby wrote:Now that last paragraph it what causes problems, It has already been said that the new version will still have events with 1.05 conditions, they just adding mod to the mix for other events.
Now how many events will be there is the question?

I certainly didn't mean to cause problems! :wink: I know (or at least have read) that the new version will include all 1.05 and 1.06 conditions. I'm just saying if people are dead against using the new version, there will likely be places to play.

I don't know how many tournaments there will be. Is there a limit to the number of Arcade events?

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Postby gibby on Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:15 am

OptionsShow events from
\nLSPN Official Events\nThe Arcade\n
More event filters are coming soon. For the time being, in order to filter the list in game, you have to use Internet Explorer to set your options. Once the option for either the Arcade or LSPN Official is set, that's the list you'll see in the game.

Its' all right on the home page more filters will be added!
All anybody has to do is select which option they chose to play and leave it
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Postby HTP_ErnieB on Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:58 am

I think if we apply ourselves, we could get to 20 pages before the new year.... :lol:

Postby KCJammer on Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:02 am

tryandtyoneon wrote:And you further helped him in your's wildly unrealistic we want, he said we don't want it again

Yeah, I know ... that's why I opened and closed my post with a disclaimer ...

I'm not really disagreeing with much of what Barry says and has said over and over and over again. I just wanted to express my views (our views?) that the majority of Links Tour players actually prefer an easy game wherein the object is to score as low as possible. Toward that end, v1.06 poses a huge obstacle.

Where Barry and I part ways is that ultimately I'm OK with the mod being introduced to this tour. I wouldn't mind seeing blended conditions (Breezy / Moderate 1.06 / Fast 1.05, for example) be introduced, and variable wind velocities (something breezier than breezy, yet less than windy) be incorporated into the game and this tour.

I don't share Barry's fears and fatalistic outlook for the Tour, but I do respect his opinions and share his passion for the game.
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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:39 am

the 1.06 mod guys will have their own (few) events here on the lspn site as they should, but lspn life will go on as it has at 1.05 in the other 100 or so events. the grotesque frankenstein genetic combination of 1.05 and 1.06 is only a neurotically induced nightmare fantasy of the usual paranoid links end-of-time enthusiasts.

what you guys ought be worried about is this: when will hulka decide to make the 1.06 patch the universal game play patch on the lspn site. the fact that this is a remote possibilty any time soon won't be any comfort to the paranoids. if they think it's even remotely possible, the crazies must go full speed ahead in a quixotic campaign to blow up a hostile game format threat conjured up by their own fevered brains. but do i have a fevered brain?, hahaha...lw
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Postby FDS_Catherine on Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:07 am

Larry_Warrilow wrote: the crazies must go full speed ahead in a quixotic campaign to blow up a hostile game format threat conjured up by their own fevered brains. but do i have a fevered brain?, hahaha...lw

Is it only me, but whenever I read that my mind suddenly had visions of ageing bald-headed men, wandering aimlessly backwards and forwards, around a room with white padded cushioning on the walls.

Must just be me then. ;)

Disclaimer: I am in no way an ageing bald headed man. Incase anyone misunderstood the very last comment. It meant that I must be the only one imagining said quote.

Postby terrell on Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:54 am

it's not just you, catherine. after a coupla discussions on the subject, the general consensus here was most linksters are over 50. perhaps the vast silent majority are less than 50, but at least the over 50s seem to be the most vocal.

most of the time, after much pondering and referring to my funk & wagnall, i will decipher lw's posts to be incredibly accurate.
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