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Postby Crissy on Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:41 pm

JimArmstrong wrote:
BruceM wrote:I hear claims that this site should have to offer 1.05 tournaments since the proposed upgrade isn't official as far as the games rights are concerned. Well hello, this site isn't official either as far as the games rights are concerned, so by what right must they offer 1.05 tournaments?

The people upgrading the game are criminals? They belong in jail? Too funny.

Where can the rest of us get this code then? I have not heard a good answer on that question as to who offically got permission to use it. That can't be that hard of a question.

Thats what my problem is right there, if anyone can answer these things I would be happy.

1 - Do they have the permission to combine the mod with the official released game of Links. If they don’t thats were Bruce used part of my post for is own gain about the criminals and all. ( Very low in my opinion. )

2 - If this update includes the mod will I and others be forced to add it just in order to play here, if the upgrade is not an official release. ( Completely unacceptable in my opinion, if this is the case )

3 - And why cant the mod be left as it is and added after install, if the user whats to add it. If not then me and others wont have to add a bunch of stuff we don't want. ( Whats the big deal )

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Postby sinewiz on Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:54 pm

Crissy wrote:
sinewiz wrote:I understand exactly the point Crissy is making. Her point is that the players she perceives as being the best don't seem to play the mod, and all the lowly second class citizens who aren't capable of beating the best 1.05 players are playing 1.06. Convoluted logic if you ask me. But that in a nutshell tells me that she doesn't quite grasp the point of it all.

Those of us that play the mod are playing it for only one reason. Because we see it a huge upgrade in the realism of the game and that’s why we play Links. Because we are looking for a simulation of golf. If we score well, well, that’s a bonus. But there are many people who play this game for the sheer immersion into the game and the camaraderie of others, and if we never shoot -14 or -17 like some of the fabulous players who play 1.05 from the ladies tees with no wind, we could really care less.

I am no more than an average player but I take exception to being told that because I am, I probably shouldn’t be playing the mod. I play 1.06 exclusively, with champ click, I head off to the back tees, add windy conditions, and break par from time to time, and you might be surprised to find that I probably find that just as fulfilling as others shooting -17. It's amazing that those that want the biggest challenge should be criticized for taking it on, and those that are supposed to be the best look for something less difficult because they enjoy seeing their name at the top of some leader board.

I for one hope those criminals at APCD keep up their dastardly deeds and improving this game even more. I know if they hadn't I would have given it up some time ago. Heaven forbid I might even have taken up TW.....Nahhhh!

Oh yea, just my opinion.

I am not begrudging you the mod one bit, love the mod embrace it give it a pet name make it your own. I am a purest just like people that like old time hockey, I like the game the way it was made or designed to be. Just because I don’t want some half baked piece of software that leaves half my APCD Courses obsolete stuck in my game day in and day out for the rest of my natural born life, does not make me a bad person. lol Your welcome to add the thing to your game feel free to embrace the horror, just don’t force the mod on me or anyone else is all I ask. The more you defend it the more people hate it, its like trying to sell a car with a flat tire. lol

Thanks so very much for posting.

Crissy P/S I would like to say I am sorry you took exception to parts of my previous post but I would be fibbing, I somehow new you would the minute I posted it. lol

Likewise Crissy, I knew you would come back with your exaggerated opinion that all your beloved 2001 courses would now be obsolete. (Heaven forbid we try to get this game into the 21st century) Total falsehood, but I suppose you feel it gives your argument a little more punch. Also calling it half baked software is once again your typical sarcastic tone to beat down something of which you have no understanding, but is actually some pretty darn nifty work. And then again more sarcasm about giving it a pet name only further enforces my point. You really have no argument. Other than, I know, "everyone hates it"

Funny how someone discussing the mod in your opinion is forcing it down ones throat, but you on the other hand feel the need to bash it down the throat of every one that says anything positive about it. My only hope is that your constant ragging will at least interest a few more people enough to give it a try. I'm sure there are still open minded people that frequent this board who will do so rather than simply discarding it because of your argument that "everyone hates it". And as far as everybody hating it so much goes, it seems 99% of the negative comments are made by you and you alone. But as usual, for some strange reason you seem to think “your” speaking for the community as a whole. But the problem is, your practically the only one talking about it. Yet “everyone hates it”.

Only time will tell if the mod truly flies, and quite frankly I couldn’t care less as long as it’s there for me to play. Still it’s important that people realize there is an alternative out there if they feel the game needs some improvement . Question is, why do you try to beat it down so? “Oh yea, I forgot. “Because everyone hates it”.

Oh yea, just my opinion.
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Postby tryandtyoneon on Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:17 pm

sinewiz wrote:
Crissy wrote:
sinewiz wrote:I understand exactly the point Crissy is making. Her point is that the players she perceives as being the best don't seem to play the mod, and all the lowly second class citizens who aren't capable of beating the best 1.05 players are playing 1.06. Convoluted logic if you ask me. But that in a nutshell tells me that she doesn't quite grasp the point of it all.

Those of us that play the mod are playing it for only one reason. Because we see it a huge upgrade in the realism of the game and that’s why we play Links. Because we are looking for a simulation of golf. If we score well, well, that’s a bonus. But there are many people who play this game for the sheer immersion into the game and the camaraderie of others, and if we never shoot -14 or -17 like some of the fabulous players who play 1.05 from the ladies tees with no wind, we could really care less.

I am no more than an average player but I take exception to being told that because I am, I probably shouldn’t be playing the mod. I play 1.06 exclusively, with champ click, I head off to the back tees, add windy conditions, and break par from time to time, and you might be surprised to find that I probably find that just as fulfilling as others shooting -17. It's amazing that those that want the biggest challenge should be criticized for taking it on, and those that are supposed to be the best look for something less difficult because they enjoy seeing their name at the top of some leader board.

I for one hope those criminals at APCD keep up their dastardly deeds and improving this game even more. I know if they hadn't I would have given it up some time ago. Heaven forbid I might even have taken up TW.....Nahhhh!

Oh yea, just my opinion.

I am not begrudging you the mod one bit, love the mod embrace it give it a pet name make it your own. I am a purest just like people that like old time hockey, I like the game the way it was made or designed to be. Just because I don’t want some half baked piece of software that leaves half my APCD Courses obsolete stuck in my game day in and day out for the rest of my natural born life, does not make me a bad person. lol Your welcome to add the thing to your game feel free to embrace the horror, just don’t force the mod on me or anyone else is all I ask. The more you defend it the more people hate it, its like trying to sell a car with a flat tire. lol

Thanks so very much for posting.

Crissy P/S I would like to say I am sorry you took exception to parts of my previous post but I would be fibbing, I somehow new you would the minute I posted it. lol

Likewise Crissy, I knew you would come back with your exaggerated opinion that all your beloved 2001 courses would now be obsolete. (Heaven forbid we try to get this game into the 21st century) Total falsehood, but I suppose you feel it gives your argument a little more punch. Also calling it half baked software is once again your typical sarcastic tone to beat down something of which you have no understanding, but is actually some pretty darn nifty work. And then again more sarcasm about giving it a pet name only further enforces my point. You really have no argument. Other than, I know, "everyone hates it"

Funny how someone discussing the mod in your opinion is forcing it down ones throat, but you on the other hand feel the need to bash it down the throat of every one that says anything positive about it. My only hope is that your constant ragging will at least interest a few more people enough to give it a try. I'm sure there are still open minded people that frequent this board who will do so rather than simply discarding it because of your argument that "everyone hates it". And as far as everybody hating it so much goes, it seems 99% of the negative comments are made by you and you alone. But as usual, for some strange reason you seem to think “your” speaking for the community as a whole. But the problem is, your practically the only one talking about it. Yet “everyone hates it”.

Only time will tell if the mod truly flies, and quite frankly I couldn’t care less as long as it’s there for me to play. Still it’s important that people realize there is an alternative out there if they feel the game needs some improvement . Question is, why do you try to beat it down so? “Oh yea, I forgot. “Because everyone hates it”.

Oh yea, just my opinion.

once I've said what i gotta say here. I'd appreciate it if Terrell can spell out T-I-G-E-R for me the next time he says sumpin' about him. If I can get through this without huckin' yesterdays soup on my keyboard, he can certainly quit with the "T word" stuff.

Currently, there are more Elite 1.05 players in one tourny than there are "modders" in elite, pro and ammy combined, so for.."the C word" to say most here hate it would be pretty accurate , if not an understatement.

Rendering half of your courses file useless, along with not ever playing F/F green conditions, makes no sense what so ever."Improvement"??......A bit of a stretch....harder??.for some maybe but I've played it and scored the same as 1.05.

Different is all you can say about 1.06 and some people here don't like change, sorry, MOST don't, as the numbers dictate.

I know you never respond to people like me "C word" so please keep that record intact.
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Postby terrell on Tue Dec 19, 2006 8:44 pm

tryandtyoneon wrote:once I've said what i gotta say here. I'd appreciate it if Terrell can spell out ***** for me the next time he says sumpin' about him. If I can get through this without huckin' yesterdays soup on my keyboard, he can certainly quit with the "T word" stuff.

sorry, murray, ain't gonna happen in this lifetime. i even took a bunch of pics at the zoo the other day, and labelled the striped feline thingies, big frelling cats.
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Postby Chip_Jett on Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:16 pm

Tryandtyoneon go to the MOD torney at the Plantation see if you can shoot the same score as 1.05. Since you say you can. Prove it. :lol:
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Postby tryandtyoneon on Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:00 pm

Chip_Jett wrote:Tryandtyoneon go to the MOD torney at the Plantation see if you can shoot the same score as 1.05. Since you say you can. Prove it. :lol:

Just as soon as you tell me what my 1.05 scores would be, I'll be glad to
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Postby Chip_Jett on Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:01 pm

Iv seen u play so i would guess - 70 is a fair assumption
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Postby RR_Desperado on Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:53 am

Everyone is going off on a tangent and not discussing the affect that combining the two version will have.
It`s not a matter of taking away our choice to play 1.05. It is more a case of what I consider will certainly happen. We can sure as H choose to play the 1.05 conditions IF we can find them. That`s right, the arcade will become even more of a mess to try and sift through and find an event that is strickly 1.05 but having been around DC for the last 7 years, the man can`t resist a loaded gun and gets a bit of a kick out of throwing wrinkles at players. You can be sure one of those wrinkles will be a profusion of 1.06 conditions spread through most of the events.
That`s right, we will have the choice to only play 1.05 and I`m sure that will result in not being able to play much at all. It`s the human nature thing that will take over.
I like this game fine just the way it is. Why is it that whenever a person does find something worthwhile, someone else always seems to come along and mess with it because they think they are improving it.
Right now everyone has a choice. Play 1.05, 1.06 or some of both. Go ahead and combine the two into 1.07 but you better be prepared to offer three distinct different sets of events and 1.06 and 1.07 would have to remain unofficial versions .Version 1.05 is the last legal version as Mark brought that patch out when he was still in the employ of the rights holders. All versions made by him since he left that company or versions made by someone outside of the rights holder`s employ are likely to fall into the same catagory as pirated software.
Take Two or Indy Built supposedly told Mark he could have the tour to do with as he wished. I highly doubt he was given the same permission with the game .
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Postby HTP_ErnieB on Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:32 am


False prophecies of perpetually impending doom.

Fallacious arguments based on emotion instead of logic.

Condescending remarks towards those who prefer a different "game".

Veiled threats against those who only seek to improve the simulation.

All this thread needs is a couple of posts kissing Roy Higgi's @$$, some personal attacks (sharpen those claws Murray :lol: ), and maybe George popping in here to explain the many intricacies of the off-snap 3 wood and it will be just like the old days...


Postby Larry_Warrilow on Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:25 am

ernie, as per my own previous remarks about hysteria et al, sometimes the kids just want to fight. might as well let them get it out of their systems.

in whatever direction the game finally evolves, it won't be overnight. it's taken since last may for MH to work up the new tour site, and some of the serious proposed work with the game code will not be easy or quick either. the good news is that some smart guys who have been around links for a long time are looking over the options. i'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of all this. lw

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Postby Crissy on Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:42 am

Larry_Warrilow wrote:ernie, as per my own previous remarks about hysteria et al, sometimes the kids just want to fight. might as well let them get it out of their systems.

Well you have to have some debate and few different opinions here and there for a thread of this nature to be a success. My five iron is bent how do I fix it just wont cut it. lol No one here is swearing or calling people bad names, a few sarcastic remarks here and there maybe but that makes for a better thread I think.

Also some people that don’t post all that much come out of the wood-work and that can only be a good thing. Its a little early to tell yet, but I would bet that this thread my rank in the top ten on the entire forum since the beginning before its done.

Us kids are people to, if we left things up to you guys we would all be asleep. lol

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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:28 am

i've never had any problems with forum sturm und drang no matter how convoluted and irrational, especially if entertaining, as long as sweet reason finally has its inning. those conjuring up an imminent links programing apocalypse, need to get back on their meds. lw

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Postby tryandtyoneon on Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:13 pm

Chip_Jett wrote:Iv seen u play so i would guess - 70 is a fair assumption

LOL....thx for the compliment.......So for ease of figuring, let's say-20 for the only no wind round, -17 for each breezy round, I don't average that for breezy, but this is for ease of figuring, that leaves me around -16 to achieve from the back tees, Windy, firm and fast.....Sorry but I guess you haven't seen me play.1.05 or mod, I don't shoot those numbers

This just in from another thread......... Kapalua Plantation Mod
Next time this guy hosts a tourney,one can only hope he'll not include UNPLAYABLE pins...aka #16.Good job!I'm on 20th stroke...trying to coax it in the back door.


Sounds very realistic to me, wonder why like it?
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Postby tryandtyoneon on Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:44 pm

for further evidence of non realistic the mod is, please read the following........
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Postby LH13241 on Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:38 pm

tryandtyoneon wrote:for further evidence of non realistic the mod is, please read the following........

Did you notice that there is only on guy complaining
Besides MS did an ugly job of recreating this course
The new version Kapalua Plantation 2007 was redone exactly like it should be
and it plays great with the MOD with every single pins

So your statement doesn't stand :lol:

PS. I was going to suggest that you play the new course with the MOD but I guess, not only are you against the MOD, but you'll probably against a new version of Kapalua Plantation

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