What happened to the 2001 tournaments

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What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby Blazerman48 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:46 am

What happened. I thought the new season for 2001 would begin on the 29th. I have not seen any tournaments posted as yet?
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:56 am

gib' pm'd mark this morning that the handicap tournaments weren't up. perhaps he'll realize the 2k1 (didn't know we still had those) tournaments aren't up either.
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby tnbogeyman on Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:19 am

There has not been any tourneys on 2001 for the last few weeks. I enjoy playing both the 2001, and 2003. So, what gives??
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:16 am

my bad, you guys. i haven't thought about 2k1 since fall of 2003, so pardon me if i don't pay more attention. i will shoot mark a pm right now.
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby lstouradmin on Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:29 am

2K1 tourneys are there and have always been. Make sure to check your Event List Options on the current events page to show Links 2001 events.

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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:22 pm

alright, so both of you guys have been around for a long time. what gives? i gave you the benefit of the doubt, so now i gotta clean toilets for a month for prematurely pm'ing. cookie issue? browser issue? firewall issue? senior issue?
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby Blazerman48 on Sat May 01, 2010 6:25 am

Mark, when I log on to Links 2001 and get on the tournament page, it is still blank and says there are no active tournaments. So where is the events list options? When I log on the page, I have no options and the tournaments always show up after logging on to the Links 2001 Tournament page.
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby gibby on Sat May 01, 2010 6:47 am

under current events here, then under event list options. whatever you choose there is what shows up in your game
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Sat May 01, 2010 7:03 am

my current events page:

Where are options.jpg

my event list options:

terrells event list options.jpg

2k1 events:

2k1 events.jpg
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby gibby on Sat May 01, 2010 7:21 am

oh boy, learned some new tricks T?
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Sat May 01, 2010 7:48 am

gibby wrote:oh boy, learned some new tricks T?

lol. took me awhile. posting pics isn't usually my thing. i like to describe verbally, it gives the reader more of a chance to think for themselves. (8
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby Blazerman48 on Sat May 01, 2010 6:19 pm

Sorry to be such a pest, but even when I go to the events options and plug in the 2001 field, I plug in free, official tour and arcade, then check amateur, back tees, classic swing and hit the apply button, all the available tournaments shows up but guess what, when I open up my Links 2001 program, hit the button for online play, then it takes me to the online screen to play the Links Tour. Once I click on that button, it takes me to an login screen and I logon and it takes me to the Links Tour screen which usually has at least (2) different tournament courses on the screen. And to date, it continues to tell me that there are no active tournaments available. Something has changed that it is not putting the tournaments in place on my on line screen. I followed your instuctions per you visuals, and I still get no tournaments. I am really baffled. What I am doing wrong. When you folks changed to the new season, something was changed and the free online tournaments are not being posted as they were before. Just not sure what to do at this time or how to get the tournaments to show up in my links online screen. A frustrated Blazerman48!!

Bogeyman, can you get into any tournaments in 2001?
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Sat May 01, 2010 6:46 pm

Blazerman48 wrote:...And to date, it continues to tell me that there are no active tournaments available. Something has changed that it is not putting the tournaments in place on my on line screen...

aha! try entering lspn.net as a trusted site in internet explorer (first time ie's been run in awhile on this computer):

lspn trusted site.jpg

edit: don't forget to uncheck 'require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone'.
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby tnbogeyman on Sun May 02, 2010 4:27 am

Blazerman48, I checked my internet options, and I do have lspn.net as a trusted site, and also checked my current events,(options) as well, and still there are no tournaments showing up on the 2001 site. I do get 4 tournaments appearing on the 2003 site.
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Re: What happened to the 2001 tournaments

Postby terrell on Sun May 02, 2010 5:18 am

hmmm, we seem to be at an impasse. mark seems to think there are 2k1 events available, but you 2 guys aren't seeing them (astute power of observation). is there anyone else either of you can pm or email to verify that no one's seeing the 2k1 events? i could try creating a new unpaid member, but i have this uncanny knack for making things work when no one else can, so i'm kinduva bad example. besides, i'm getting incredibly lazy in my old age. (8

we need some more non-member 2k1 players to chime in.
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