Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

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Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby lstouradmin on Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:46 am

Here's the patch. It is intended for the Windows 7/nVidia crashing problem. However, it could help with other video cards if you're crashing during rendering - it's worth a shot anyway. It doesn't change the version number of the game, doesn't change recorded games, multiplayer, etc. It just fixeds that one crash.

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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby terrell on Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:05 am

does it change the linkslauncher or linksmmiii (edit: properties) details so we can see if someone has properly applied the patch?

note: i'm running win 7 x64 with an ati hd4650. i rarely, if ever, crash, so excuse me if i sit this trial out. however, if you come up with something to fix the opaque/translucent shadow thing, lemme know. (8
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby lstouradmin on Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:09 am

Hmmm....that would have been a good idea :oops:

I don't think there's anyway to distinguish. The only file that changed was LinksMMIII.exe

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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby terrell on Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:17 am

lstouradmin wrote:The only file that changed was LinksMMIII.exe

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Date: Wed March 24 2010 11:47:52AM

that'll do it. thanks! (8
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby GoBucks on Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:12 am

terrell wrote: however, if you come up with something to fix the opaque/translucent shadow thing, lemme know. (8

I need some enlightening, T. What's the problem with the opaque/translucent shadow thing? I'd kinda like to know if I have an issue.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby terrell on Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:24 am

with windows 7 x64 and an ati hd4650 (not sure about windows 7 x32 and/or an nvidia graphics card), if you goto golfer settings|golfer shadow, you can't choose a translucent shadow. you can only choose the opaque shadow. not a big thing, but aesthetically, i liked the translucent shadow better.

edit: and honestly, i don't even notice the opaque shadow anymore.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby GoBucks on Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:00 am

That's what I thought I remembered. Is this new to W7? I don't think I've seen it with my Nvidia cards, but I've not stepped up to W7 yet either.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby terrell on Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:11 am

it's definitely a windows 7 thing, but i'm not sure whether it's an ati/nvidia thing.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby Michael Jensen on Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:09 am

opaque shadow is an ati thing. It happens both in xp and 7. It's been that way for years.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby ilesquire on Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:09 pm

Michael Jensen wrote:opaque shadow is an ati thing. It happens both in xp and 7. It's been that way for years.

Sorry Michael but I think terrell is right. I have an ATI card with XP and I use translucent shadows, have just experimented and I can also use opaque shadows.

To be fair and more accurate, I should have said that translucent/opaque shadows can be set with my current & previous, ( both very old), ATI cards & XP. I am unsure about other ATI cards or Windows 7.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby GoBucks on Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:39 am

It appears that the problem's been around longer than W7. Posted June of 2008.
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby Michael Jensen on Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:05 am

Yeah, opaque shadow predates win 7 and only happens with newer ati cards
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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby lstouradmin on Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:55 am

Here's the final patch with the water fix. ... _FINAL.exe

I also made a small change to the display setting screen so it will show more and larger resolutions. There was a problem in Links with video cards with a large amount of memory. It was incorrectly getting the video memory size so Links didn't think you had enough video memory for the larger size resolutions. I found out one other thing. It only grabs the first 16 screen modes including 640x480 which would leave out a few of the very large modes. So I set the minimum screen size to 800x600 now.

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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby Obelix on Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:41 am

I have a small question Mark,

I am using an ATI 4670 hd card, I do have occasional crashes, with links reporting memory allocation error, or other type of memory error (looking for 1 byte,....).

Will this fix be also good if using an ATI, could it help general memory errors with Links ?


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Re: Download: Windows 7 & nVidia Patch

Postby lstucz on Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:34 am

Thanks Mark,
I just downloaded the patch and must say it is nice to be able to see my resolution under graphics settings. You can now change the resolution without going back into the registry. Sweet! Links showed every resolution up to my monitors native size.

I just wish this had been out several days ago. I recently copied all my Links files to DVD so they are permanently saved and cannot add this fix to the DVD which hold the other patches. For anyone interested, all the updates, my Polyani folder and courses folder with 410 course files plus many .sha and .TIP files took about 6 DVDs.
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