by Blazerman48 on Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:08 am
Hi Terrell,
I noticed that as well. So to be on the safe side and assuring that I did not download the 2003 version, I downloaded the 2001 version again this morning and I still get the same error message saying it is a japanese version. I have copied the message below.
EXCEPTION : Attempt to read from address 0x0000000B in LSInterface::IsJapaneseVersion()+0x2BF78
Address : 0x004370F8
Location : LSInterface::IsJapaneseVersion()+0x2BF78
Processor Registers EAX=0x0000000B EBX=0x0E2C3C94 ECX=0x0013A8F4 EDX=0xFFFFFF88 Flags=0x00210202
=================== ESI=0x0E2C3C94 EDI=0x0000000B EBP=0x013E8D80 ESP=0x0013A904 EIP=0x004370F8
EIP (0x004370F8) 8A 10 8A CA 3A 16 75 1C 84 C9 74 14 8A 50 01 8A CA 3A 56 01 75 0E 83 C0 02 83 C6 02 84 C9 75 E0
ESP (0x0013A904) 0E2C3C94 02190A30 02190A18 02190A18 00436E6C 0E2C3C94 0013A944 00000000
02330238 0013B0D0 0E2C3C94 02190A30 0044DA24 00000000 0B560074 02330238
00000000 00000000 02190A98 0E2C3C94 013829B8 0044928D 0E2C3C94 0B560074
ESI (0x0E2C3C94) 4C E4 72 63 68 65 6E 68 6F 66 20 33 2E 30 30 35 37 45 2E 62 74 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 05 00 00 C0 B8 29 38 01 00 00 00 00 50 9E 43 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
EBX (0x0E2C3C94) 4C E4 72 63 68 65 6E 68 6F 66 20 33 2E 30 30 35 37 45 2E 62 74 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ECX (0x0013A8F4) D7 B0 37 EF 4C 3F 3B 62 81 66 70 62 3C CA F8 3B 94 3C 2C 0E 30 0A 19 02 18 0A 19 02 18 0A 19 02
EDX (0xFFFFFF88) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Machine details
Executable name : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Links 2001\LINKSMMI.EXE
Executable time, date : 10:57:18 Wednesday 7/3/2002
Command line :
Current directory : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Links 2001
Current time, date : 11:00:23 Monday 3/8/2010
GameOS build version : Version 1.1 11/2/2000
Software rasterizer : c:\program files\microsoft games\links 2001\assets\binaries\blade.dll (Size 282,693 bytes)
User name : Ray
Machine name : DD77C5B1
Processor : 2793MHz Intel Unknown (0xf40) MMX SSE Model=4, Type=15, Stepping=9 (Two Processors)
Cache Information : L1: 0K code / 0K data L2: 0K
L2 r/w/rw speed : 5 cycles 17875MB/s, 10 cycles 8937MB/s, 14 cycles 6384MB/s
Main memory r/w/rw speed : 27 cycles 3310MB/s, 42 cycles 2128MB/s, 20 cycles 4468MB/s
Video memory r/w/rw speed : 463 cycles 193MB/s, 55 cycles 1625MB/s, 622 cycles 143MB/s
Operating system : Windows 2000 (5.1.2600) Service Pack 2
DirectX version :
Time since booted : 85h 15m 52s
Time in game logic : 0h 0m 0.78s (on frame 1115)
Time app running : 0h 0m 26.31s
Physical memory : 1,063,333,888 bytes (1014 Meg)
Available physical memory : 243,822,592 bytes (233 Meg)
Swapfile size : 2,559,467,520 bytes (2441 Meg)
Swapfile available : 638,238,720 bytes (609 Meg)
Virtual memory : 2,147,352,576 bytes (2048 Meg)
Available virtual memory : 1,839,558,656 bytes (1754 Meg)
Amount of stack used : 23936 bytes
Memory load : 77%
Desktop video mode : 1280,1024 16bpp
Mode when crash occured : Full Screen 1280x1024x16 (Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family) In software
Networked Machine : No
Executable version :
PCI Chipset : Unknown