by stvn6165 on Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:19 pm
i've been using gameranger a lot lately myself. and that's only because i have no clue how to set up a match in the lspn lobby. and the other matches are always underway whenever i've popped in that lobby.
if you see me in gameranger, i'd be glad to play a rd. with you. the nice thing about gameranger is that most players are happy with a quick 9. but many will also play you 18 no problem, and under most any conditions.
i play under the same screen name i use here: stvn6165
azwilly's right about the skype/ventrilo thing. the chat box deal in gameranger is kind of cumbersome at best, but it seems that's the way most players there communicate. it's a real pain, if you would ask me...
and gameranger's always a 50/50 deal with me, as far as playing talent goes. sometimes i go on there and shoot 'lights-out' rounds, and sometimes i get my [censored] handed to me.
sometimes you get the bear. sometimes the bear gets you.
and, just like it was in tw08 online, or other golf sims, there are die hard out-for-blood 'ladder freaks' who want to pad their ladder match stats, and do not seem to play the game for any enjoyment whatsoever.
most players are decent people, for the most part...