Match Play Status

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Match Play Status

Postby lstouradmin on Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:28 pm

Matchplay is coming along nicely but it's definitely not finished. I have a version on the test site ready to go for those who want to try out the current incarnation.

Right now you can challenge others who are enrolled in matchplay and play the event. You can cancel, accept, and decline challenges as well. You must enroll in order to play though. You'll find that option on the matchplay page.

Currently, the matchplay scoring is not implemented but that's next on the list, along with completing the ladder scoring, and win/loss tracking.

If you would like to try it out:

1. You have to run the server switch
For Links 2003:
For Links 2001:

To switch back:
For Links 2003:
For Links 2001:

2. You need to have an account on the test site. I copied all of the current accounts about a week ago. So if you've been a member for a while you should be able to log right in. If you want to make a new account go ahead but PM me so I can give you Tour Player status. If you're a casual member, you can play too. I've already given everyone Tour Player status on the test site. However, on the live site Tour Player or Tour Directory membership will be required for play.

3. Visit the test site here: Login, then click the 'Challenge!' button in the top menu.

4. Enroll so you can play

5. For right now, you'll need to add Arcade events to your event list options in order to see any active challenge events. Also, only you and your opponent will be able to see the event in-game and on the site. I plan to add ways for people to see the results of matches though.

6. Start challenging!

This is just the beginning. I also have the beginning of a bracket tournament framework that will use this new matchplay stuff. Can you say Ryder Cup.

Tour Directors, this will all eventually be in your league as well. I'm building everything to work based on leagues so you'll be able to have your own ladder and bracket tournaments.

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby jackcink on Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:35 pm

Ok Mark i enrolled and made 2 challenges. Nothing comes up on my top screen after i hit make challenge.

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby lstouradmin on Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:52 pm

It should take you back to the matchplay page where you can see your challenges.

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby Hittman on Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:24 pm

All shows good on the lspn challenge site.....but does appear when loading the Links game.....

Looks like step one is all we have to do is link to the game.....

Enter game as Online....Links Tour.....Multiplayer.....No view in "Champ" games....
would this be correct procedure?
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby BionicWolf on Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:42 pm

I posted my issues on test site forum-

The challenges not appearing in game...
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby jackcink on Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:37 pm

Ok Mark i accepted 2 challenges from bw, had both courses, went to game online his events dont show.
Maybe a step by step tutorial to get matches underway. My challenges that i made never came up on my board.

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby BAMTURF on Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:00 pm

So some bugs still exists . Hope Mark is Cubbing them out . LOL Can not wait ti challenge Jack
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby lstouradmin on Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:51 pm

Ok, guys, I made a lot of changes over the weekend.

#1 issue - challenges not showing
It was a problem with the date. That's been fixed. Basically it was only looking for challenges after the date you set. So if you set one for today it wouldn't have showed up. It should now.

#2. Match play scoring
You can now see who's winning in MatchPlay during your round. However, it will only show the score up to the last hole played by either one of the players. So if one of you is on hole 16 and one is on hole 4, you'll only see the score up to hole 4.

Also, if one of you hasn't started the match, but the other has, the person playing won't see a score.

The best way to play is head to head - online. That way you can see your score in real time. That reminds me, for those of you who didn't get a chance to play matchplay on the old site, head-to-head is only a suggestion. I'm afraid I cannot enforce a head-to-head match. It only means that the person making the challenge wants to play multiplayer during the round.

One other thing about scoring, I'm going to make a concede option on the web site. This is for those cases that you get to say hole 11 and cannot possibly win. You can guys will be able to quit the match and the loser can concede the match. I would recommend though that everyone finish their matches. It's possible that hole score updates are not accurate. For instance, say your hole 3 score didn't make it to the server for some reason. The score in the leaderboards would not be accurate either. By finishing your rounds you ensure an accurate outcome.

#3. Ladder Ratings and Rank
The ladder is now being updated determined by the outcome of matches.


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Re: Match Play Status

Postby BionicWolf on Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:31 pm

JUST saw /accepted/ and played test challenge online NOT h2h...Lboard updated fine between holes and end of rnd submission successful-Server seemed sluggish, but reflected all...Wooohoo matchplay hath returned!! Site page reflected immediately my finsihed match after I ended the game.

Also mention of a ladder and such just icing on the cake-Thanks Mark for the weekend grind. Lookin' fwd to bein' thumpt as soon as Jackcink starts his rnd...

EDIT-BTW as an afterthought- I agree H2H IS what matchplay is all about- We'll see as it grows-
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby BAMTURF on Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:28 am

Just waiting for the chance to play Head -To-Head again .
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby lstouradmin on Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:10 pm

I just fixed a problem when creating new challenges. It was returning an error.

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby Hittman on Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:05 pm

H2H second run at funner....played Multiplayer online at Banff

1. This time we had no hole score at all for the match.....what was viewed was stroke result +/- to par and required keeping track separately of the holes won and lost.......In previous match the view between holes (even though a hole behind) at least kept track of the matchplay status and showed "AS" and "UP" for the player.

2. Completed all 18 holes and received confirmation on successful stats being received. However, there is no update to either lspn site or Links game. The match status does show the game to be finished in the Events block on lspn but without actual results.

3. Interesting to note that even though the opponent made the challenge, I was able to host without any trouble through the test server.

For the most part it was a successful run and once these minor bugs are straightened out, we should have a great format

Thanks Mark for the effort
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby lstouradmin on Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:39 pm

Hittman wrote:H2H second run at funner....played Multiplayer online at Banff

1. This time we had no hole score at all for the match.....what was viewed was stroke result +/- to par and required keeping track separately of the holes won and lost.......In previous match the view between holes (even though a hole behind) at least kept track of the matchplay status and showed "AS" and "UP" for the player.

Did you guys choose MatchPlay from the rules? If not, it will show stroke scores as usual.

Hittman wrote:2. Completed all 18 holes and received confirmation on successful stats being received. However, there is no update to either lspn site or Links game. The match status does show the game to be finished in the Events block on lspn but without actual results.

I haven't finished the non-matchplay end of round scoring yet. That's probably why - if #1 wasn't played at MatchPlay.

Hittman wrote:3. Interesting to note that even though the opponent made the challenge, I was able to host without any trouble through the test server.

Great! It shouldn't matter who made the challenge as far as hosting/joining is concerned.

Hittman wrote:For the most part it was a successful run and once these minor bugs are straightened out, we should have a great format

Thanks Mark for the effort

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Match Play Status

Postby LouisCaissie on Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:57 pm

Did you guys choose MatchPlay from the rules?

The answer is yes
as Rob was saying the first match we saw the score correctly in the game but not in the second
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Re: Match Play Status

Postby jackcink on Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:35 pm

Played my 1st successful match with bw, everything went great. However my challenges are still not showing up on my board after i make them. Match i just played was up on my board yesterday but gone today. Ive made about 6 challenges and none of them have made it to the board after the day they were posted. Still, it feels great to have played that 1st match against bw. This is gonna be great!

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