by SteveFr on Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:16 am
Gibbie, Have you checked that the course still shows up in course manager?
I had a crash a few weeks ago when Links was starting up (not related to this Tour at all, just playing a casual game offline). The result of this was that several course files were no longer recognised by Links. They were still on my hard drive but in Course Manager they showed up as either '???' or as 'Unknown Course'.
I found that I had to Add the courses again through Course Manager and then it worked again. The actual course files were not corrupted, it was just that Links didn't recognise them. In fact I still have about four 'Unknown Courses' because, without spending the time checking my course list against the.crz's on the hard drive, I don't actually know which courses they are until I come to use one and it fails to load.