Having a problem posting final score

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Having a problem posting final score

Postby KVarone on Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:38 am

Is anyone having a problem at the end of a game to post the final score to the server..It's happened the last two games I've played. Sometime I lose the server half way thru the game and I get a window to post the next time I go online.

I am also having a problem connecting in Match play.. It worked until 6 weeks ago, I've made no changes to my programs or security settings. Please help if you can.

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Location: West Palm Beach, Fl

Postby terrell on Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:00 am

i've only not been able to transmit my scores a coupla times in all the years i've played links, so i can't speak from experience. i think the standard answer if you're having connection problems at the end of a round is to play offline. which i've had broadband since around 2000, so that idea bytes.

an i.t. guy explained it to me once (i had no idea what he was talking about), it all depends on your isp. internet connections are a lot like a telephone switchboard. there's no way there are enough circuits for everyone to make a call at once, so you're actually sharing connections. suppose you're connected to the lspn game server, but you're not transmitting anything for a period of time. your isp will put you in a holding pattern until you decide to say something, then try to reconnect you. for whatever reason, the links game server doesn't always like that arrangement.

you could always goto cnet.com and download an internet connection keepalive utility. i've never tried one, but it could be one way of fooling your isp into thinking you have a lot to say, and not to drop you.
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Postby KVarone on Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:20 pm

Thanks Terrell,

I will have to check that out.. appreciate the response..

I have been disqualified from several tournaments
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Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:59 pm
Location: West Palm Beach, Fl

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