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Postby DennisHarris on Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:20 pm

Its all good! The wind, no wind a breeze whatever. I'm a gam-er, sim-er type player all combined into one. The gam-er in me makes It always more fun going over trees or water than shooting around them unless I'm playing pro then I'm a sim-er and go around the trees or water because I'm a chicken (censored). :) But what does any of this have to do with Ranking. None! Nada! Zip! Zilch!

OK I'll go back into my cave and roll a stone to cover the entrance in a minute or two.

Back to topic: Yes Sir rankings is solely being calculated by scoring average alone this first short season. Changes will be coming to add more factors into rankings besides scoring average in the upcoming season/s. There all done back on topic..

Bombs away boys. :twisted:
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Postby KiwiDan on Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:25 am

omg, what have i started.....lol.

...or maybe (being as I dont do the forum thing that much) its just 'buiseness as usual'
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Postby terrell on Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:16 am

DennisHarris wrote:But what does any of this have to do with Ranking. None! Nada! Zip! Zilch!

i respectfully disagree, dennis (what were the odds). how many years did one infamous participant here play one course in order to maintain ranking and stay at the top of (one) leaderboard? how many times does a tournament not get completed because the gamer type runs into a windy round? look at the disparity of participation, and tell me the tough venues get the same play as the flat, no wind tournaments. there is a definite correlation between golfer/gamer mentality, and rankings (posted rhetorically, because i know you already know this).

KiwiDan wrote:omg, what have i started.....lol.

...or maybe (being as I dont do the forum thing that much) its just 'buiseness as usual'

'nother day at the office, dan. the rankings/flights/handicaps issues have spawned tremendous threads in the past. with the rankings firing up again, look out below.
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Postby DennisHarris on Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:19 am


All KiwiDan did was ask a question about how rankings were being calculated (by score only or if other factors would be used in the future). It was answered in the first reply made by ErnieB.

So my point is why all the other posts of player manipulation or faults with the ranking system. All those posts were mute to the thread as ErnieB had already answered it. They were done only To: Stoke the fires of long standing rants or raves and to create a negative vibe IMO.

That was my point of the "gamer simer" rant posting I made (and a poor attempt at a humorous/cynical post it was) to high lite just that fact. So no big deal. All is well in the igloo. :lol:
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Postby ErnieB on Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:53 pm

DennisHarris wrote:Terrell,

All KiwiDan did was ask a question about how rankings were being calculated (by score only or if other factors would be used in the future). It was answered in the first reply made by ErnieB.

So my point is why all the other posts of player manipulation or faults with the ranking system. All those posts were mute to the thread as ErnieB had already answered it. They were done only To: Stoke the fires of long standing rants or raves and to create a negative vibe IMO.

That was my point of the "gamer simer" rant posting I made (and a poor attempt at a humorous/cynical post it was) to high lite just that fact. So no big deal. All is well in the igloo. :lol:

LOL. Hmmm, looks like my posts are also disappearing as well as being editted (I'm honored by the special attention!). I'm not surprised, but very much amused.

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Postby Dr_Dave on Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:44 pm

ErnieB wrote:
DennisHarris wrote:Terrell,

All KiwiDan did was ask a question about how rankings were being calculated (by score only or if other factors would be used in the future). It was answered in the first reply made by ErnieB.

So my point is why all the other posts of player manipulation or faults with the ranking system. All those posts were mute to the thread as ErnieB had already answered it. They were done only To: Stoke the fires of long standing rants or raves and to create a negative vibe IMO.

That was my point of the "gamer simer" rant posting I made (and a poor attempt at a humorous/cynical post it was) to high lite just that fact. So no big deal. All is well in the igloo. :lol:

LOL. Hmmm, looks like my posts are also disappearing as well as being editted (I'm honored by the special attention!). I'm not surprised, but very much amused.


Doesn't surprise me, I think the forum at the Vatican has more leniency than this one!! I used a phrase from the Sixth Sense "I see dead people" and that was deleted. Go figure!!
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Postby gibby on Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:46 pm

DennisHarris wrote:Terrell,

All KiwiDan did was ask a question about how rankings were being calculated (by score only or if other factors would be used in the future). It was answered in the first reply made by ErnieB.

So my point is why all the other posts of player manipulation or faults with the ranking system. All those posts were mute to the thread as ErnieB had already answered it. They were done only To: Stoke the fires of long standing rants or raves and to create a negative vibe IMO.

That was my point of the "gamer simer" rant posting I made (and a poor attempt at a humorous/cynical post it was) to high lite just that fact. So no big deal. All is well in the

igloo. :lol:

apparenty you can't count My 1st post showed where to ck info out, but again I count about 11 b-4 so the whole point was what?
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Postby gibby on Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:49 pm

ErnieB wrote:Is this some fun or what? :lol:

this was Ernie's !st post whisch was like # 19 so what where you seeing, you blind or can't count?????
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Postby MasterMontgomery on Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:03 pm

gibby maybe you should do something about that blink.
It might help the old snap. But you don't have a problem with that
so who knows :D

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Postby tryandtyoneon on Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:42 pm

ErnieB wrote:
DennisHarris wrote:Terrell,

All KiwiDan did was ask a question about how rankings were being calculated (by score only or if other factors would be used in the future). It was answered in the first reply made by ErnieB.

So my point is why all the other posts of player manipulation or faults with the ranking system. All those posts were mute to the thread as ErnieB had already answered it. They were done only To: Stoke the fires of long standing rants or raves and to create a negative vibe IMO.

That was my point of the "gamer simer" rant posting I made (and a poor attempt at a humorous/cynical post it was) to high lite just that fact. So no big deal. All is well in the igloo. :lol:

LOL. Hmmm, looks like my posts are also disappearing as well as being editted (I'm honored by the special attention!). I'm not surprised, but very much amused.


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Postby DennisHarris on Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:10 pm

My apologies to both Gibby and Ernie. I got the name of the first response mixed up. I am truly sorry and extend an apology to both of you gentleman. :oops: I'm rather embarrassed to tell the truth and can't explain how I did that. :oops:
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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:12 pm

i'm also one of the "most interesting venue available" guys, rather than a scoring average miser. this season will be a shorty, and ranking will be based soley on scoring average, just as it was in the last few seasons of the old tour (but not modded by a noncompletion penalty). even at the end of only 12 weeks, most of us (even the cherrypickers) will still be ranked pretty much where we ought to be if every player plays at least one event every week.

wherever you wind up, your ranking won't affect your tax return next year, so you might as well go for the gusto and have some fun. lw

Last edited by Larry_Warrilow on Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Pas11 on Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:20 pm

I like you Larry, but you are all talk.
Play an ammy event to see if you are even good!!
If you write a book, I will be the 1st to buy it.
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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:55 pm

terry, while i could indeed write an entertaining book, i would have to name names, and i couldn't do that to my friends and aquaintences in my business over many years. so (lol) a book has about the same chance of appearing as my entry in an am event.

i play (and finish) a champ event every week, which puts me beyond the "all talk" calumny.

and as always, talk backed up by facts and stats has its own credibility, whatever a member's playing skill at any level. lw

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Postby terrell on Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:26 am

wow, after i read dennis' disappointing post yesterday (totally missing the point and misdirecting credit, which happens a lot; usually not dennis, but in general), i decided to just drop it as a lost cause. but the thread has taken another twist, as they usually do.

a lot occurred when i pointed out dan getting defensive over what i felt was a typical gamer atttitude. and yes, you are correct, i love debating the gamer vs golfer psychological aspect of the game. and i felt this was an appropriate opportunity. but no, i couldn't care less about the rankings (though flight tournaments are among my favorite venues), and debating the evolving rankings formulae was the furthest thing from my mind. but dan's response(s) were mature/intelligent, so i was cool with that (liberal versus conservative discussion i've had great fun debating elsewhere; sometimes the lines blur here).

and the tete-a-tete between terry and larry epitomizes the abeunt studia in mores of the gamer versus golfer. see, it's not a dead issue, and the more we discuss it, and hopefully learn from it, the better the understanding we'll have for differing/opposing viewpoints. my point.
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