Ventrilo Help

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Ventrilo Help

Postby lstouradmin on Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:10 am

First, want to say thank you to the DM Golf Club for letting us use their Ventrilo server!! Thanks guys!

Ventrilo is a voice based communication system so you can talk to other players while you golf. It's also a great way to set up online matches.

To download Ventrilo:

Ventrilo FAQ

If anyone else has info in regards to Ventrilo, please post it here.

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Postby ErnieB on Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:39 am

To access the DM Ventrillo server, set Host name to either GOLF.AIM2GAME.COM or and set Port # to 3700
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What is Ventrillo?

Postby OkieEddie on Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:56 pm

Exactly what is the Ventrillo server? From the earlier post, You apparently have to download some software, and then how do you connect to one of those servers. I like the idea of having the real time voice available instead of recording your comment and then playing it. Mark, would you explain a little more about it and how it works, as it does soud interesting.

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Re: What is Ventrillo?

Postby Freefaller on Fri Dec 22, 2006 5:47 pm

OkieEddie wrote:Exactly what is the Ventrillo server? From the earlier post, You apparently have to download some software, and then how do you connect to one of those servers. I like the idea of having the real time voice available instead of recording your comment and then playing it. Mark, would you explain a little more about it and how it works, as it does soud interesting.

I don't use Ventrillo so can't answer your question. But I would suggest that by clicking either of the above links and going to the Ventrillo site you will be able to surf around their forums, FAQ's, etc and answer your own questions faster than waiting for Mark to come in here (which he very rarely does) and answer them for you. Good luck.
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Postby LaMa_2k6 on Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:49 am


You need a microphone, it's chat software, so you can talk to people while you play, or while you stare at the screen, whatever the case may be.
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Postby Hittman on Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:57 pm

Skype and Gizmo are both voice software without the Ventrilo hot key...and both are also FREE, which is always a good price.
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Postby AZWilly on Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:55 pm

I, too, would like to thank the DM's for their use of "the vent", their tournies, and getting to play in some very good games (even against Paul :wink: ). Thanks for the reminder Mark.
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Postby LaMa_2k6 on Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:07 am

Ventrilo is free, and you can set it to voice-activated, so it is hands-free.
Works gr8, even when people are just sitting in Ventrilo doing nothing, which is most of the time nowadays.
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Postby Tresclub on Wed Jun 27, 2007 4:31 pm

I haven't used Vent very much, and I have always wondered what the colored icons were down the left edge of the column. Plus and minus signs. Blue and red.
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Postby ErnieB on Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:12 pm

Tresclub wrote:I haven't used Vent very much, and I have always wondered what the colored icons were down the left edge of the column. Plus and minus signs. Blue and red.

I haven't used it in months, but I think if you hover your pointer over the icons a brief description in a small box appears.
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Postby Redskin on Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:16 pm

Tresclub wrote:I haven't used Vent very much, and I have always wondered what the colored icons were down the left edge of the column. Plus and minus signs. Blue and red.

Icons on the left -- little speaker icon -- tells when people are chatting. Green is chatting - orange is silent. The Plus signs and minus signs --- + sign is a empty room it turns to - when somebody is in the room. Also, Red + signs are private rooms that you need a password for.
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Postby Tresclub on Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:56 pm

Thanks for the replies guys!
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Postby LTG_Cuddly on Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:32 pm

what's with all the non-links games like call of duty 4 in the golf room/channel/server?

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Postby LaMa_2k6 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:41 pm

People play other games than Links sometimes...believe it or not!! :shock:
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Postby LTG_Cuddly on Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:36 pm

TA_LaMa_2k6 wrote:People play other games than Links sometimes...believe it or not!! :shock:
Yes, but isn't it a LINKS GOLF server? I thought that was the point in going to Vent via LSPN ? And my vent is set to login to the "Links Golf" server ?

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