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Postby Harpo on Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:51 am

Something looks fishy on one of the leaderboards to me. Perfect 1st round and then 3 super bad rounds compared to the first. A little sandbagging perhaps?
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Re: Fishy

Postby RoyHiggi on Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:25 am

Harpo wrote:Something looks fishy on one of the leaderboards to me. Perfect 1st round and then 3 super bad rounds compared to the first. A little sandbagging perhaps?

Sandbagging would only ever happen for handicap tournaments wouldnt it ! Is that the case here?
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Re: Fishy

Postby fescue on Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:40 am

I guess you could be referring to me?? I am newly back to the game and my scores have been wildly inconsistent. If I start a round and my timing/snap is way off I have found myself in some impossible positions and out of frustration just keep blasting away to try and find the fw. Not sure and I don't really care what other's think but thought I would add a possibility. As an example, I can't play the game at all when I first wake, reaction times are terrible, funny really but hey, I'm old!
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Re: Fishy

Postby RoyHiggi on Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:00 am

fescue wrote:I guess you could be referring to me?? I am newly back to the game and my scores have been wildly inconsistent. If I start a round and my timing/snap is way off I have found myself in some impossible positions and out of frustration just keep blasting away to try and find the fw. Not sure and I don't really care what other's think but thought I would add a possibility. As an example, I can't play the game at all when I first wake, reaction times are terrible, funny really but hey, I'm old!

Pretty sure it wasn't referring to you. And you're not alone with the first thing in the morning stuff :D
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Re: Fishy

Postby Harpo on Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:13 am

No not you. I have to get in the right mood to play a round anytime. When the wife is busy and up and around with a lot of questions that is not the time. :shock: I hate when I have to stop in the middle of a round to answer the phone or get up out of my chair for anything.
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Re: Fishy

Postby Echoes on Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:10 am

fescue wrote:I guess you could be referring to me?? I am newly back to the game and my scores have been wildly inconsistent. If I start a round and my timing/snap is way off I have found myself in some impossible positions and out of frustration just keep blasting away to try and find the fw. Not sure and I don't really care what other's think but thought I would add a possibility. As an example, I can't play the game at all when I first wake, reaction times are terrible, funny really but hey, I'm old!

Not unless it was you who posted a 1st rd score of 50 @ HarbourTown then finished @ -10 for the tourney under the name T_D_L.
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Re: Fishy

Postby JackRussellTerror on Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:24 pm

Harpo wrote:No not you. I have to get in the right mood to play a round anytime. When the wife is busy and up and around with a lot of questions that is not the time. :shock: I hate when I have to stop in the middle of a round to answer the phone or get up out of my chair for anything.

hahahahahaha ................
you know, this just reminded me Jim, of the following post by Phillip King waaaaay back in around 2001 - i took a copy then and have kept it on my HDD all these years :D

time to bring Phillip King's post out again :lol: :lol: :lol:

"It all started when ... I was sitting down to play a round of Links. Ahhh, got a few minutes while the wife and kids are out - perfect time to settle into a b/n/f round at Pebble. Got a beer. Sat down in my favourite chair. Rebooted the box for good measure and away we go ... or so I thought.

As the computer was booting, figured I should clean the mouse - I play PowerSwing and sometimes it helps. Undid the back of the mouse and, da-mn it, the little ball falls out and rolls across the floor. I put the mouse back down (upside down) to go looking for the ball, but the button clicks when I put it down, and the computer locks. Oh well, fix that later, got to find that da-mn mouse ball.

I get down on my hands and knees and begin searching. I find dog hair, paper clips, a CD, carpet fuzz, raisins and an old car phone, but no mouse ball. Where could the [censored] thing have gone? I look under the desk. More raisins. More dog hair. No mouse ball. I look under the bookcase and I see it - aha, finally! I reach under to get it. Can't quite reach. I get a ruler but I don't have room to turn the ruler over, so I spend a few minutes sliding the ruler back and forth under the ball. Despite my best efforts, now the ball is farther under the bookcase and I can't get the ruler out either. No problem, I'll tilt the bookcase back just enough to reach in and get the mouse ball. Bad idea. I should've paid more attention in grade 9 physics, especially when they told us that part about "every action has a reaction" or some such nonsense. Anyways, I tilted the bookcase, but the books in the bookcase all shifted the other way. Well all those books must weigh somewhat more than I would’ve figured, because I looked up just in time to see the entire seven foot high bookcase come crashing down on me. Being pummelled by about 400 hardcovers may seem a bit painful, but I assure you it was nothing compared to the punishment administered by the bookcase itself.

I cleaned up the books, righted the bookcase, bandaged my cheek and left eye, made a mental note to repair the corner of the antique mahogany desk that got chipped off by the bookcase as it was falling and picked up the mouse ball, which was easy to retrieve as it was now sitting up nicely on the carpet where the bookcase used to be. I put the mouse ball back into the mouse. Ready to go. But the computer was still frozen. No problem. Reboot again. Windows 95 did not exit properly ... blah, blah, blah ... may have errors ... blah, blah, blah ... press any key to run scandisk. Fine. Scandisk reports that some fragments were converted to files ... blah, blah, blah ... skip undo ... delete files. Deleting these files is always the way I go, because I’ve never had any success in retrieving them. I don’t even take a breath before I hit that delete option. In this case, however, the deleting seemed to be taking a long time. An awfully long time. In fact, I had time to get another beer and, when I got back, scandisk was still deleting files. By the time it was finished, I was rebooted into DOS and I was at a blank screen with nothing but a C:\ prompt. Well, it’s been a while since I saw a C:\ prompt, but I remember my old DOS commands. So I type in dir c:\. There is now only one file on my hard disk - scandisk.exe.

Well, my computer needed a good reformatting, I tried to tell myself, so I reformatted the hard disk, reinstalled Windows 95 and all of my applications. I tried not to think about all the lost data files as I reinstalled the last of my programs. No need to worry about getting arrested for software piracy now - all the applications for which I did not have back up disks were gone forever. I defragged after installing all the application software and then ran scandisk for good measure. No problem - all clear. Finally.

Just as I’m about to double-click on the familiar Links LS icon, the phone rings. As I reach over to answer the phone, I catch my new cashmere sweater on the now jagged corner of my antique desk, ripping a hole in the elbow the size of a coaster. Grrrrrrr. I answer the phone. It’s a wrong number, but the guy swears at me just the same. I slam down the phone, knocking my half full beer over. Beer flows down the desk and onto my keyboard, resulting in a small but impressive light show coming from between the keys. I mop up the beer on my desk with my tattered sweater and hang the keyboard upside down, draining the excess beer back into the bottle. The accuracy of the drainage is quite good and I am pleased that I am now doing something right. Perhaps it is the beginning of a trend.

I load up Links. First drive - 210 yard into the water. Tee it up again for three. 220 yards into the water again. What the hell could possibly be wrong now? [censored]. Forgot to clean the mouse ball. I was taking apart the mouse for the second time when the wife and kids got home. The wife looked at the computer, saw me at the first tee and asked "Are you playing that stupid game again?". "No," I answered, "not really".

the Links Tour 1998 ------> 2024 --------->
"mmmmmmm ......birdie num num !"
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Re: Fishy

Postby Harpo on Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:32 pm

Now that was funny... :D
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Re: Fishy

Postby JackRussellTerror on Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:55 pm

yes, Phillip was a very funny man :D
he certainly let his imagination go on that post ...... :lol:
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Re: Fishy

Postby rwoodworkr on Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:12 am

:lol: :lol: I can honestly say, that's never happened to me. :wink:
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Re: Fishy

Postby MasterMontgomery on Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:19 am

RBC Heritage, drunkbobwwetpants
Opened with a 68 then did not finish.
This week he should win pro
While beating Roy.
Also, as Echoes refers to T_D_L
won the Masters. Also only lost
to Roy by 1, then opens
with a 50, then shoots 3 bad
rounds. I think only George could
do this stuff, but not his
style. But it certainly is
Fishy as Harpo says.
An, even Ragnar opened
with 50 then dq.
Would be nice to know
who these players are.
They have shown great

Doug :D
What an Art
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Re: Fishy

Postby Harpo on Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:52 am

Roy, will you stop messing around with us. :D
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