Major problems

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Major problems

Postby RoyHiggi on Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:52 am

Tried to put a message on other forum but it won’t let me post it even though I put up the new monitor topic with subsequent edits. So now I’ll try here with a short message to start with.

I’ve been having real problems with my whole set up on the pc and not just with playing Links. Every time I switched on all I would get on the screen was flashing lights which ended up with just a white screen. I just rebooted and usually it would seem ok 2nd time around. Sometimes it took 1 or 2 more goes.

Then I had a second problem as when I tried to get here to the forum or load up Links to play a round nothing happened. Some sort of internet problem maybe so it could be I need a new pc or could it be that I’m still on Windows 7 and it’s finally telling it’s close to dead

So after a long time dealing with this i got a new monitor to see how that changed or improved things.My son did all sorts of stuff I hadn’t a clue about but at the end of it I have a new monitor. Plus I have been using Firefox as my…… ( whatever it’s called) and apparently hardly anyone uses that anymore. So now I’ve got Chrome. Means nothing to me but that’s what I’ve got.
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Re: Major problems

Postby RoyHiggi on Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:58 am

I’ve been having real problems with my whole set up on the pc and not just with playing Links. Every time I switched on all I would get on the screen was flashing lights which ended up with just a white screen. I just rebooted and usually it would seem ok 2nd time around. Sometimes it took 1 or 2

Anyway I only have this monitor for a day or so so I said I would play a round of golf and see how it goes. The new monitor is my sons and is much bigger , mostly wider than what I’ve been used to and the screen is much brighter. I’m sure the brightness is easily fixed ( although not by me) Also I had no sound at all using this monitor.

Hitting snap seemed much the same although I did have 2 wild ones but I did find it close to impossible on the greens. Most of the putts were easy/ quite straight but the few I had with bend were scary. I’m not a step counter and all I do is basically look at the putt and then with help from the BLI just hit it. Don’t think I’ve ever missed a 9 foot putt by so much. So not a good round. I reckon if I played Valhalla on it I wouldn’t be able to hole many putts at all.

I think I had 3 routine putts and didn’t get close on any of them. I assume it’s down to the monitor being at least 6 inches wider.

I’ll be back to my old monitor tomorrow I hope, with all it’s associated problems, but after this week I might just go for a new pc and monitor and live with having to get used to it all for a spell. Always knew I’d have to move off Windows 7 eventually but when you haven’t a clue what it’s all about, how to do it etc it’s easier said than done.

Fingers crossed it goes better than my imagination is telling me.

Now a day on and I can’t get Links to work at all or get to the forum on my pc. So posting here now from my I pad. Feels like my Links days might be ending but I’ve been here before.
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Re: Major problems

Postby Harpo on Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:52 am

Roy, for me, a different monitor makes a difference. I had to adjust my step counting system when I changed to a wider one. Your other problems I have no clue. Hope you get it sorted out.
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Re: Major problems

Postby Echoes on Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:17 pm

Sounds like its time for a whole new setup Roy. USB flash drives are gr8 for moving all the files to the new computer from the old one. Your course files, golfers and accessories, saved shots etc.
Beats just downloading and reinstalling everything.
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Re: Major problems

Postby RoyHiggi on Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:09 pm

Harpo wrote:Roy, for me, a different monitor makes a difference. I had to adjust my step counting system when I changed to a wider one. Your other problems I have no clue. Hope you get it sorted out.

Cheers Jim. I definitely need a new monitor as my current one really is really bad so I guess I’m going to have to learn how to putt all over again as it really felt impossible on my sons monitor. Played rounds today ( back onto my current monitor) with no problems after 3 reboots so a new wide version might need a long time of practicing. Haven’t ever had the patience for that before.
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Re: Major problems

Postby Echoes on Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:46 pm

Good luck with it Roy.
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Re: Major problems

Postby tnbogeyman2 on Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:24 pm

I bought a new laptop this past spring, and I'm finally feeling comfortable with my golf game now. It was just like buying a new set of golf clubs and getting use to them.
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Re: Major problems

Postby RoyHiggi on Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:05 am

tnbogeyman2 wrote:I bought a new laptop this past spring, and I'm finally feeling comfortable with my golf game now. It was just like buying a new set of golf clubs and getting use to them.

That maybe the way I go but I’m leaving it to the new year now. Links is working ok at the moment even if I have to reboot a few times before it does. When it works I might often just play all 4 rounds together in case I don’t get to finish another day :lol: :lol:
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Re: Major problems

Postby albatros on Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:08 am

oh great now sir higgy is going to have momentum whilst he plays :mrgreen: :roll: :mrgreen:


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Re: Major problems

Postby RoyHiggi on Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:32 pm

Really fun now when i get up . press the button to start the pc up and... it's taking between 5 and 8 attempts to make it work which is quite ridiculous. Usually 4 or 5 totally black screens and then one or two completely white before it loads up and stuff runs as if there hasn't ben a problem at all. Very weird.
When i get in I have been running straight through events and although it does dump to the desk top or freeze from time to time I am getting through some events ok.
Not too much fun getting dumped early though in a first round and having to requalify as just happened

Just not the right time to get a new pc and monitor ( and windows latest I assume) as i have too much other stuff going on but that time is getting close.

Ok I have given up now. Tried to get the pc working for over 2 hours but no sign of life at all today. At least I got on yesterday and belted a couple of events off but now it’s time to find something else to occupy some of my time.

Not a clue how or why but it came to life on Wednesday ( after 90 minutes trying) so I got an event or two in. But nothin* at all Thursday except a blank black screen.
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