Creating players

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Creating players

Postby bubba17 on Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:38 pm

I am being forced to move Links from my old laptop to my newer one because of deterioration of the older one's performance.

When I downloaded Links 2003 this time it didn't have the optional computer players available that my older program had. Players such as Annika Sorenstam, David Toms and Jesper Parnevik weren't included' nor were the pictures needed to be able to create new players, human and computer.

I am trying to create my human player for me to use in play but it requires a pic and none are available. I can browse and import pics but they are invariably too large (have too many pixels).
I would import from my previous site but don't know how to do it.

Can anyone help me to get by this stumbling block?
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Re: Creating players

Postby Echoes on Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:34 pm

Hi bubba17,
I can tell you the size needs to be 60 x 60 pixels, and i can point you to Links corner where in the add-ons corner section of their forum where you can find a download of a members rendition of 120 top golfer photos
And i can tell you that if your old laptop is still somewhat functional that you can take the PolyAni folder from your old game, put it on a flash drive and replace the PolyAni folder from your new download with the old one.
Hope that helps you.
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Re: Creating players

Postby Adelade on Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:33 am

Player pictures might also be stored in this folder:
C:\ProgramData\Links 2003\Players

ProgramData is commonly a Hidden folder, turn on Hidden folders in File Explorer's settings in order to see it.
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