Can't start last round

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Can't start last round

Postby Harpo on Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:36 am

Ok, had two power glitches and took my medicine. 6 strokes I want to finish the tourney anyways. Now when I go back into play the 4th round I get to the screen where I get the conditions and select play. It then goes black and I'm back at my desktop. I have heard others that have had this problem. Is there a file I need to delete or something. I guess I'm to lazy to search through all the threads to find out what the problem is.
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Re: Can't start last round

Postby Harpo on Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:47 am

I tried to play in another tourney and it did the same thing. Conditions and then when I hit "Next" it goes to desktop. This was after a reboot. Got to be some file.

I can play a practice rd so links is ok.

I had gone in and tried to play and it asked me if I want to resume. Said Yes but then said had to requal. I already did that but said ok. Try to play round and "Next" went to desktop.
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Re: Can't start last round

Postby Harpo on Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:40 am

When I went in to look at my players stats, my Pro player was not listed. I went in to make a new player with the same name and it told me I already had a player by that name? Is it stuck in limbo? Also when I went in to play a practice rd the My Pro Player was not in the list. How do I fix this problem? This must be why it wants to go to the desktop.
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Re: Can't start last round

Postby pmgolf on Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:10 pm

Jim, my best guess in that other thread - and same guess here - is that a file got corrupted during the first crash, and the computer is trying to use that bad file when you replay. Most times the file seems to be a .SKY file, but it could easily be a .PIN file.

First, go into the /Program Data/Links 2003/Players/ folder and temporarily take out the .PIN file for the player you normally use. Then go into the Links game and set up another player, but don't "Clone" from the old one. Start a different round and try to play.

Second, if "first" didn't take care of the problem: Go into the /Links 2003/ directory and temporarily take all .SKY files out of the Skies directory, but leave one you normally don't use in there. Once again, try to play.

Post your results here. If that didn't fix it, maybe someone else will have an idea.

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Re: Can't start last round

Postby Harpo on Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:58 pm

Hi Pete, thanks for the info. Going to try to delete the .pin file first. I don't use any .sky.

I had to search for the players folder. Found it in C:\User\harpo\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Links 2003\players.

Will get back to you.

There is nothing in my sky boxes in my graphics settings.
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Re: Can't start last round

Postby Harpo on Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:40 pm

Pete, I owe you big.... deleted the pin, made a new player and finished my last round. Thank you very much. :D
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Re: Can't start last round

Postby pmgolf on Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:32 pm

Glad it worked for you, Jim!

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Location: near Richmond, VA

Re: Can't start last round

Postby LostSoul51 on Tue May 23, 2023 9:11 pm

I have been fighting this exact problem for a week. Can't believe the fix was so easy. I am back in the saddle (or golf cart).
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:15 am

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