amsterdam interntional

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amsterdam interntional

Postby bobo123 on Sat May 28, 2022 9:20 am

I cannot get Amersterdam International to play after downloading can someone help bobo123 tks
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Re: amsterdam interntional

Postby Adelade on Mon May 30, 2022 5:29 am

This is one of the few courses which - for some reason - come with an installer .EXE file instead of the .CRZ file. Running the AIGC.EXE file and then following the instructions will make the CRZ file appear at the location you choose.

You can choose to install to your Desktop background when it asks where you want to install into, and then move the CRZ from the new Desktop\COURSES folder into the Links\Courses folder. The Links\Courses folder can be located at different places depending on where you installed your Links, but is usually found at C:\Program files(x86)\Microsoft Games\Links2003\Courses

If you are unable to run the .EXE file that comes with the course download:
-Unzip the file first, you can do this by double clicking the zipped folder, then copying or moving the AIGC.EXE file inside it to, for example, your desktop background. Then double click the file to run it. You probably need your account on the computer to have administrator rights.

If your antivirus/firewall etc will not allow the download, and you arent sure how to make it allow this individual download, or if you cant get administrator rights on your computer account, let us know and someone can probably share just the CRZ itself.

You can delete all other files that come with the download/install, you just need the CRZ file itself.
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Re: amsterdam interntional

Postby Bassmaster on Mon May 30, 2022 5:17 pm

bobo123 wrote:I cannot get Amersterdam International to play after downloading can someone help bobo123 tks

I think that Johnny has it on The Amanti Tour website under Johnny's Special Downloads.

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