Hello all,
I am a relative noob here at LSPN, although I got into Links 2003 a few years ago and have amassed a massive list of courses (lots of Sage Vannis and other high rated ones). Mostly I play alone but I've also had some great times on GameRanger with others. However, I am struggling to find others who want to join my game or allow me to join theirs. I know there's a few different options in addition to LSPN, like TigerCats, ConnLinks, and AmantiTour: which do you guys play on? Anywho, I am looking to join a league or play for fun over at GameRanger and hope to see you guys out there!
Please, feel free to message me if you would like a casual game - I play both Classic and Real Time Swing and am open to all game modes. 2020 has been a really weird and depressing year but golf has been a saving grace for both me and my family, so enjoying a nice Links round is something I aim to do to pass the time.