DSL/Direct Play

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DSL/Direct Play

Postby tbone on Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:23 am

When using DSL connection and want to play direct with a friend. Is there a set of instructions somewhere, a checklist? If you have a firewall and disable it should that suffice as far as any port issues? Should you get an option to "Join" or "Start" a game? If you only get an option to "Start" a game would this be indicative of a particular configuration issue? My friend and I used to play all the time with dial-up, now that we're both DSL we have NOT been able to establish a connection. My I.P. is always the same, he enters it and yet the connection times out everytime! If it would be easier to speak with someone about this please provide a phone# and I will pay for all charges to get this thing resolved. Thanks for any assistance in advance. If more info is needed I can supply it.

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