ERROR : Only power of 2 textures up to 1024*1024 supported (

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ERROR : Only power of 2 textures up to 1024*1024 supported (

Postby TexAgs on Wed May 17, 2017 2:10 pm

Hopefully someone still monitors this forum! Long-time linkster here who fell out of touch with the game a few years ago when I got a new computer that never ran Links 2003 very well so i drifted away. I want to start playing again and realized you smart guys around here may be able to solve the problem. The problem is that I can play a few holes at a time then i get the error message shown below. I can play a few holes then it freezes up with this message flashed up on the screen. I have to close out then I can get back in and begin playing from where it froze up, but i can only play another few holes before it freezes up with the same message. Any help is appreciated, and apologies if this gas been addressed before but i honestly would not know where to look to find it.

GL & Hit'em Str8!


ERROR : Only power of 2 textures up to 1024*1024 supported (8,8) '>256798464.TGA'

Processor Registers EAX=0x00000000 EBX=0x00000000 ECX=0x00000000 EDX=0x00000000 Flags=0x00000000
=================== ESI=0x00000000 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0019DFB4 ESP=0x0019DE54 EIP=0x00000000
EIP (0x00000000) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
ESP (0x0019DE54) 0019DE68 00000000 00000008 07FF3EB0 00000008 00010000 000001CE 11F8E2D0
00000100 00000052 11AED9C0 00000200 00000062 11D7FE00 00000014 00000000
08C12990 00000001 0E0A9EB0 0019DFCC 00000000 00000000 00000002 48628861

Machine details
Executable name : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Links 2003\LINKSMMIII.EXE
Executable time, date : 19:49:12 Tuesday 3/30/2010
Command line :
Current directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Links 2003
Current time, date : 20:03:53 Monday 5/15/2017
GameOS build version : Version 1.1 11/2/2000
Software rasterizer : c:\program files (x86)\microsoft games\links 2003\assets\binaries\blade.dll (Size 282,693 bytes)
User name : TexAgs
Machine name : HOME
Processor : 3299MHz Intel Unknown (0x6c0) MMX SSE Model=12, Type=6, Stepping=3 (Four Processors)
Cache Information : L1: 0K code / 0K data L2: 0K
L2 r/w/rw speed : 1 cycles 105568MB/s, 5 cycles 21113MB/s, 2 cycles 52784MB/s
Main memory r/w/rw speed : 7 cycles 15081MB/s, 10 cycles 10556MB/s, 3 cycles 35189MB/s
Video memory r/w/rw speed : 1 cycles 105568MB/s, 5 cycles 21113MB/s, 2 cycles 52784MB/s
AGP memory r/w/rw speed : 1 cycles 105568MB/s, 5 cycles 21113MB/s, 2 cycles 52784MB/s
Operating system : Windows (6.2.9200)
DirectX version :
Time since booted : 348h 16m 43s
Time in game logic : 0h 0m 0.19s (on frame 13459)
Time app running : 0h 3m 34.85s
Physical memory : 2,147,483,647 bytes (2048 Meg)
Available physical memory : 2,147,483,647 bytes (2048 Meg)
Swapfile size : 4,294,967,295 bytes (0 Meg)
Swapfile available : 4,294,967,295 bytes (0 Meg)
Virtual memory : 2,147,352,576 bytes (2048 Meg)
Available virtual memory : 1,649,836,032 bytes (1573 Meg)
Amount of stack used : 8528 bytes
Memory load : 28%
Desktop video mode : 1440,900 32bpp
Mode when crash occured : Full Screen 1440x900x32 (Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600)
Networked Machine : No
Executable version :
PCI Chipset : Unknown
Last edited by TexAgs on Thu May 18, 2017 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:36 am

Re: ERROR : Only power of 2 textures up to 1024*1024 supported (

Postby TexAgs on Thu May 18, 2017 5:18 am

Problem solved by going into Device Manager and disabling the integrated Intel HD 4600 graphics card. When you do that, the computer defaults to using the Microsoft Basic Graphics Driver. The game functions properly (yea!) and the rest of my computering seems unaffected. If needed, I can always switch it back on with just a few clicks.

Posts: 58
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:36 am

Re: ERROR : Only power of 2 textures up to 1024*1024 supported (

Postby ds3224 on Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:09 am

I had the same error message before I got my new Nvidea graphics card. Now it is great and no more error messages...
Posts: 500
Joined: Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:29 am

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