Buffer Overrun

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Buffer Overrun

Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:03 pm

On opening the Online part of L2K , I get a dialog box saying there has been a buffer overrun. What is going on?

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Postby terrell on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:15 pm

it's been a looooonnnnnggg time since i've seen links 2000, jim. but i would imagine a buffer overrun is a buffer overrun. something, or links, is trying to access the same address in memory.

i guess there's a remote possibility something in links is corrupted causing the buffer overrun, so you need to reinstall. but i would imagine you've reinstalled a lot lately. so probably something else is conflicting with links. try doing a clean boot into windows, then running l2k. then use msconfig to add programs back in until you find the culprit.
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:37 pm

I am sorry,I Meant 2k3.



I guess Rebooting helped. Thank you Terrell
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Postby terrell on Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:21 pm

pppfffttt! first rule of thumb...when in doubt, reboot. (8 but if the problem persists, go the msconfig route.
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:27 pm

I thought restarting my computer had worked,but I've got it narrowed to one button- Course manager ,add button.

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Postby terrell on Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:33 pm

hmmmm, if you're using a sound script, disable that. and anything else that's not essential to running links. personally, i'd try reinstalling first (easiest thing to do). then, i know everyone hates to do it, but do a clean boot, then use msconfig to figure out what's conflicting with links. tedious process, but you'll kick it once and for all.
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:59 pm

What is the misconfig process?

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Postby terrell on Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:44 pm


buffer overruns are caused when two (or more) programs attempt to access the same area of memory. usually because of poor coding. msconfig allows you to eliminate programs you think might conflict with links. but ya gotta add programs back one at a time, to narrow them down to the offending culprit. (8
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:12 pm

I put misconfig in the box and clicked ok , but it cannot seem to find that file.

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Postby terrell on Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:54 pm

lol. ok, maybe we might wanna skip the msconfig thing. how 'bout swapping memory sticks around? could ya pop the cover and change slots with the memory? there's always the possibility of a bad stick.
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:35 pm

ok , bill gates . Please tell about this process.

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Postby terrell on Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:21 am

sorry, jim. not being an i.t. person, i never have to explain stuff, i just do it. i think the first time i ever used the system configuration utility (msconfig), i just read the microsoft knowledge base article and did it.

the key is the services and programs on the services and startup tabs. when you perform a clean boot, you'll disable all but the microsoft services. if links runs without crashing, you know there's a non-microsoft service or program conflicting with links. if links still crashes, i doubt seriously if there's a microsoft problem, it's probably a corrupted file within links (reinstall), corrupted sound file, or corrupted course file.

if you find links runs fine after a clean boot, you'll start with the services tab, and add one service, start links, add another service, start links, etc. then do the same for the startup tab. like i said, tedious, but i've found several programs conflicting with each other over the years.


as an afterthought, the biggest problem i ever had with links was the graphics drivers. i used to just install drivers on top of drivers without ever properly uninstalling the old. that caused legacy driver files to conflict with the new.

try this link and reinstall your graphics driver. could save you all the msconfig pain. (8
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:53 am

I did not mean anything bad,in fact I think it a compliment to compare one's Computer ideas with such a very smart and successful person.

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Postby terrell on Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:42 am

pppfffttt! thanks, but the i.t. guys here would beg to differ. most of the time i'm their worst nightmare. they've called me a lot of things, but never bill. (8
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Postby Jimboroks1 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:41 pm

I've been searching and I downloaded the programs to clean the driver. I also got registryfix to scan my computer ,and it fixed the problems. I'll open the game ,try it and see if this worked.


I tried it and it did not work.Do I delete the old card first?

Last edited by Jimboroks1 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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