by Golfman on Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:42 am
Kathy -
I also have to work with this problem! I loose a few strokes every week and go wildly OB when this happens in the middle of a swing. Many of us who don't have a "game quality" dedicated machine have the same problem. The problem is normally the Windows Task Manager which is running background programs, checks, and online comunications like updates, etc. Even if you are able to boot while eliminating many memory resident programs, it can still happen with programs you don't directly control. There is probably a better method, but what I have to do is wait for the speed to change/increase via the following method: "I test the curser before I swing by moving it back and forth and observing the multiple curser images. When the CPU is busy elsewhere, I get fewer multiple images of the curser on the screen per standard L-R curser movement. If the curser image painting is too slow, I hit the Windows key and minimize Links. I then hit CTL-Alt-Delete (all at once) to bring up the Task Manager and look at my CPU activity. If a "svchost.exe" program is runing I can stop it with little or no game impact with "End Process". Other programs can't be stopped, and you just have to wait. When the CPU speed is up again you can swing again.
It would be nice to turn the Task Manager "OFF" for anything other than LINKS and CPU needs while playing, but I don't know how. This would be a nice option upgrade for the next version of LINKS.
A thing that can cause poor game response is too little resident memory, a old slow processor (i.e. under 800 MBS), and/or an outdated video card . You need at least 300+MB ( ie 512MB) minimum memory or you can't run larger Links courses. Dual processors on evrything is nice. I plan to update soon.
Hope this is useful!
Golfman: Randy
May the Golf God's be with you!