Links 2001 Tournament

This forum is talk to about problems you may have with Links 2001. Please post in the Links Sports.NET forums if you have problems with the tour.

Moderators: DavidCass, Bruce Bo

Links 2001 Tournament

Postby Blazerman48 on Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:49 am

I downloaded a new course from Links Corner called: Golf Club Gut Larchenhof, and every time I tried to play it, I get an exception error noting it is a Japanese version. I noticed that 2 others have also tried and it appears they were unsucessful as well as no scores are posted. It there a fix for this so we can play or not?
Posts: 31
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby terrell on Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:56 am

pm'd mark

edit: i just searched the course list:

and i notice there's a 2k1 & a 2k3 version.
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby Blazerman48 on Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:08 am

Hi Terrell,
I noticed that as well. So to be on the safe side and assuring that I did not download the 2003 version, I downloaded the 2001 version again this morning and I still get the same error message saying it is a japanese version. I have copied the message below.

EXCEPTION : Attempt to read from address 0x0000000B in LSInterface::IsJapaneseVersion()+0x2BF78
Address : 0x004370F8
Location : LSInterface::IsJapaneseVersion()+0x2BF78

Processor Registers EAX=0x0000000B EBX=0x0E2C3C94 ECX=0x0013A8F4 EDX=0xFFFFFF88 Flags=0x00210202
=================== ESI=0x0E2C3C94 EDI=0x0000000B EBP=0x013E8D80 ESP=0x0013A904 EIP=0x004370F8
EIP (0x004370F8) 8A 10 8A CA 3A 16 75 1C 84 C9 74 14 8A 50 01 8A CA 3A 56 01 75 0E 83 C0 02 83 C6 02 84 C9 75 E0
ESP (0x0013A904) 0E2C3C94 02190A30 02190A18 02190A18 00436E6C 0E2C3C94 0013A944 00000000
02330238 0013B0D0 0E2C3C94 02190A30 0044DA24 00000000 0B560074 02330238
00000000 00000000 02190A98 0E2C3C94 013829B8 0044928D 0E2C3C94 0B560074
ESI (0x0E2C3C94) 4C E4 72 63 68 65 6E 68 6F 66 20 33 2E 30 30 35 37 45 2E 62 74 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 05 00 00 C0 B8 29 38 01 00 00 00 00 50 9E 43 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
EBX (0x0E2C3C94) 4C E4 72 63 68 65 6E 68 6F 66 20 33 2E 30 30 35 37 45 2E 62 74 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ECX (0x0013A8F4) D7 B0 37 EF 4C 3F 3B 62 81 66 70 62 3C CA F8 3B 94 3C 2C 0E 30 0A 19 02 18 0A 19 02 18 0A 19 02
EDX (0xFFFFFF88) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Machine details
Executable name : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Links 2001\LINKSMMI.EXE
Executable time, date : 10:57:18 Wednesday 7/3/2002
Command line :
Current directory : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Links 2001
Current time, date : 11:00:23 Monday 3/8/2010
GameOS build version : Version 1.1 11/2/2000
Software rasterizer : c:\program files\microsoft games\links 2001\assets\binaries\blade.dll (Size 282,693 bytes)
User name : Ray
Machine name : DD77C5B1
Processor : 2793MHz Intel Unknown (0xf40) MMX SSE Model=4, Type=15, Stepping=9 (Two Processors)
Cache Information : L1: 0K code / 0K data L2: 0K
L2 r/w/rw speed : 5 cycles 17875MB/s, 10 cycles 8937MB/s, 14 cycles 6384MB/s
Main memory r/w/rw speed : 27 cycles 3310MB/s, 42 cycles 2128MB/s, 20 cycles 4468MB/s
Video memory r/w/rw speed : 463 cycles 193MB/s, 55 cycles 1625MB/s, 622 cycles 143MB/s
Operating system : Windows 2000 (5.1.2600) Service Pack 2
DirectX version :
Time since booted : 85h 15m 52s
Time in game logic : 0h 0m 0.78s (on frame 1115)
Time app running : 0h 0m 26.31s
Physical memory : 1,063,333,888 bytes (1014 Meg)
Available physical memory : 243,822,592 bytes (233 Meg)
Swapfile size : 2,559,467,520 bytes (2441 Meg)
Swapfile available : 638,238,720 bytes (609 Meg)
Virtual memory : 2,147,352,576 bytes (2048 Meg)
Available virtual memory : 1,839,558,656 bytes (1754 Meg)
Amount of stack used : 23936 bytes
Memory load : 77%
Desktop video mode : 1280,1024 16bpp
Mode when crash occured : Full Screen 1280x1024x16 (Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family) In software
Networked Machine : No
Executable version :
PCI Chipset : Unknown
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:02 pm

Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby lstouradmin on Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:11 am

Do you get this message only during a tournament or always?

Site Admin
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby terrell on Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:38 am

i vaguely remember this being a fairly common error back in the day. it may have to do with 2k1 updates:
Posts: 7737
Joined: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:28 pm

Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby Blazerman48 on Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:50 am

Hi Mark,
This is the first time I have received this error message telling me it was a Japanese version. I downloaded this from Links corner, and this is the only time I have experienced a problem from a downloaded course.
Posts: 31
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby Blazerman48 on Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:58 am

Mark, This is the first time I have gotten this during any tournament. I noticed that there were 3 players in amateur without any scores listed and then 2 players in the pro with 1 player posting a score. tnbogeyman appears to be playing it, he is in the third round. I am really baffled by this. Any thoughts from your perspective? Blazerman48 (Ray)
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby tnbogeyman on Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:35 pm

I had no problem downloading course from links corner and having my scores posted!!
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby Blazerman48 on Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:52 am

I noticed that tnbogeyman, that is why I relayed to Mark that someone is able to play it on line. I really am baffled at this error message. I had no problems with the download as well. I can play the course to practice or new round, but when go online to try and play it, that's when I get the error message. The weeks over anyways, but if anyone has ever experience this type of problem, let me know how to fix it. Thanks
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby WackerWoods on Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:23 am

Would someone please enlighten me, as to why some of the courses in links2k3 when "added" to Links2k1 come up as "unknown course". I thought all *.crz courses were interchangeable.
I love LINKS2001 and enjoy playing tournaments in both venues. Why am I being LOCKED OUT
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Re: Links 2001 Tournament

Postby terrell on Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:39 am

WackerWoods wrote:...I thought all *.crz courses were interchangeable...

courses created for 2k1 can be played on 2k3. courses created for 2k3 cannot be played on 2k1.
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