Flocking computer reset

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Flocking computer reset

Postby sgt_cook on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:19 pm

SOS! What the he double hockey sticks. My computer reset today as if I had turned it on for the first time. "would you like a tour of xp pro" No, I don't want a danged tour, I've been using it for umpteen years now. Lost half my data, all my music, links don't work any more... Flock!

Any idea's?

I suppose I half to go and download the 107 update and see if I can get the game to work and them I'm sure I lost a bunch of courses as well... What a disaster.
Posts: 1428
Joined: Wed May 13, 2009 3:51 pm

Re: Flocking computer reset

Postby terrell on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:36 pm

bummer, sarge! but there are a couple of easy things you can try.

1) boot to safe mode (f8?) and choose to reload your last restore point

2) boot with your windows install disk and choose to install windows over the existing partition

what could possible go wrong? (8
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Re: Flocking computer reset

Postby sgt_cook on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:57 pm

Thanks for the advice T. I got links up and running by installing 107 again, so that's a plus. (apologies for sticking this in 2001) Just re-installing my music again manually. I got time on my hand. (There's a song in there somewhere :lol: ) I swear I got hacked. All my passwords for different sites keep getting altered and someone has an interest in some younger viewing shall we say. :P Computers are so much fun. :D
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