courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

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courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby fundraiser on Thu May 17, 2007 5:21 pm

I know that I will take some heat for complaining. I do love this site and the tournaments. However, each time I go to play I have to download a multitude of courses. Tonight, out of 37 tournaments, I could only play in three. I know we like variety and we also like to show off our course creators prowess but how about using a few more of the courses we download each week. It might be an idea to post a listing of new courses that will be used in the coming month so we can avoid stoping in our attempt to play just to download another course. Sorry for the discord.
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Re: courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby tryandtyoneon on Thu May 17, 2007 5:32 pm

fundraiser wrote:I know that I will take some heat for complaining. I do love this site and the tournaments. However, each time I go to play I have to download a multitude of courses. Tonight, out of 37 tournaments, I could only play in three. I know we like variety and we also like to show off our course creators prowess but how about using a few more of the courses we download each week. It might be an idea to post a listing of new courses that will be used in the coming month so we can avoid stoping in our attempt to play just to download another course. Sorry for the discord.

I'll try not too sound a bit edgy here ..(i'm already thinkin' that aint gonna happen)....If, while looking at 37 tournies, ya can only play 3 do to you having a course library the size of an autistic gnats brain(I knew it, it's happening already), ya might consider d/l 2 or 3 everytime you sit at the computer to check your mail.

It'll take 5-8 mins at best, you can do 3 or 4 at once, and in no time, your only limit to playing a tourny will be time.

If space is a problem, D/L the top 10 or 15 most popular courses.

All the best!!

Edit:.....not a great start, but it ended on a good note
Last edited by tryandtyoneon on Thu May 17, 2007 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby terrell on Thu May 17, 2007 5:36 pm

hmmmm, not a big thing if you're a broadband user. i keep thinking lw is the only dialup guy left? there may be a few others. but i was in the same predicament this morning. i wanted to get a round in, but had to download 3 courses before i could start the one i wanted. just took a coupla minutes, but woulda been impossible with dialup (er, sorry boss, i was late because i was downloading links courses. nah, it would never fly).
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Postby sgt_cook on Thu May 17, 2007 6:15 pm

As one of those relics still on dial up, it is somewhat of a problem keeping up with the course list. At last count, I was -20, but I downloaded "Free down load manager" so I can pick a course and turn it on and off as time permits. It might take me a couple of days to get some of the larger courses, but hopefully I will one day catch up. As to space issues on this el cheapo computer of mine, I added an el cheapo exteranal hard drive and thus have plenty of room for a couple hundred more new courses. :wink:

courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby fundraiser on Thu May 17, 2007 10:42 pm

I knew I would get some smart lip on my computer capabilities not to mention the "autistic gnats brain" comment. Par for the course (no pun intended) in this day and age of cutting down the free exchange of ideas. I have more than 250 courses which I have been downloading for years. I have to download another 23 to play in this weeks tournaments. I have broadband and a fair computer. I have plenty of room to download a thousandeed but usually can only do two at the same time if I want any speedy success.

All I am saying is how come 20 new courses each week? In my lifetime - which is not going to be too much longer seeing that I am retired and 65 - I will not be able to play on every course. Just a little mix would be nice. 10 new courses and 10 old ones without mixing old and new so you have to download one even if you have three others. I downloaded a bunch last week and few are being used this week. I would love to play all of them but I want to do it in a tournament setting not just sitting down at my computer and playing them from the single player mode.

Now I am just one guy and probabily don't carry much weight (even though I weigh 340 LBS) but I do hope there can be some compromise on this topic. If not I will still play because I enjoy it. FR
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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Thu May 17, 2007 10:58 pm

i'm definitely still a jurassic dialup guy. i almost switched to dsl the other day but the at&t guy failed to show up with the modem, so i told them to forget it.

i got a head start apcdwise three years ago by buying a bunch of cds and dvds with all the 2k1 and 2k3 files thru the spring of '04 then just kept up as the new ones were released. also, the apcd-courses site has a set of dvds for sale that would save new dialup players a lot of DL time. i do all my DLs overnight with a manager (getright) which doesn't make it faster, but allows me to survive disconnects. i drew the line at Robina Woods (290MB) but had a broadband friend who did me a favor and burned me a cd. but i've taken on all the rest the hard way.

by the time you've got about 200 apcd files, you won't have to be DLing many every week to play. it's just a question of persistence (and making back-up copies).

this is also one of the reasons i've kept my own weekly arcade event restricted to one course for all four rounds. everybody who finishes knows the course pretty well after 72 holes, and the players don't have to do a lot of DLing. lw

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Re: courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby OlderThanDirt on Fri May 18, 2007 12:05 am

fundraiser wrote:I knew I would get some smart lip on my computer capabilities not to mention the "autistic gnats brain" comment. Par for the course (no pun intended) in this day and age of cutting down the free exchange of ideas. I have more than 250 courses which I have been downloading for years. I have to download another 23 to play in this weeks tournaments. I have broadband and a fair computer. I have plenty of room to download a thousandeed but usually can only do two at the same time if I want any speedy success.

All I am saying is how come 20 new courses each week? In my lifetime - which is not going to be too much longer seeing that I am retired and 65 - I will not be able to play on every course. Just a little mix would be nice. 10 new courses and 10 old ones without mixing old and new so you have to download one even if you have three others. I downloaded a bunch last week and few are being used this week. I would love to play all of them but I want to do it in a tournament setting not just sitting down at my computer and playing them from the single player mode.

Now I am just one guy and probabily don't carry much weight (even though I weigh 340 LBS) but I do hope there can be some compromise on this topic. If not I will still play because I enjoy it. FR

Well said, and I completely agree. I've got broadband too & a slew of courses, but 5 mins X 20 download time is not time I wanna spend just to shoot 4 rounds of a funner. JustMHO.

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Postby Larry_Warrilow on Fri May 18, 2007 2:47 am

as a dial-up guy, i'll have to admit to being amused by the spectacle of broadband guys actually bitching about course downloads and all that unnecessary expenditure of time. the designers only release a limited number of brand new files each month (usually about a dozen).

all the rest of those so-called "new" apcd files dredged up by the (apparently bored) event creators are available cheap by the bushel basket on dvds if you really (lol) insist on saving those precious broadband DL minutes. of course, if players resist playing events using many obscure files, maybe the authors will get the hint. lw

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Postby terrell on Fri May 18, 2007 4:05 am

i for one am elated at the onslaught of a myriad of new venues to play (i was attempting to sound like lw versus a middle linebacker). not so much giving me a seemingly unlimited choice of places to play, but to at long last bring deserved recognition to those apcd designers that finally get their toils on the big stage. i laugh because it gets a little syrupy at linkscorner occasionally. but i don't think we've nearly given the credit they're due here.

fr, 340 pounds!!! holy smokes, at 194, you're nearly twice a terrell! last summer i ballooned to a not so svelte 213, but thanks to mr. south beach, we're back to fighting weight. i'd really like to see you stay around with us a little longer. (8
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Postby fundraiser on Fri May 18, 2007 5:42 am

Well I don't think I am going to die too soon but I just don't have the go to stop eating. I feel fine and do workout. I have always been heavy except when I was in the Marines and I won't be doing that workout any time soon.

I am glad that I sparked all this debate on courses. I had looked forward to playing on this tour site alot after retirement and do not plan to stop. I really can't wait for the full set up getting back to ratings. It sets competition rather than just playing. I do have a life though besides net golf. I do model railroading and my wife and I travel. FR
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Postby terrell on Fri May 18, 2007 6:16 am

marines? heck, you know a lot more about staying fit than i do then. i played all sports in high school, then when i joined the air force, i worked out like a fiend getting ready for basic training. but the toughest thing we ever had to do was fold our underwear. i'm afraid if air force guys are ever asked to charge san juan hill, we'd think it was for charging our pay pal accounts on the credit card.

see ya on the links. (8
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courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby fundraiser on Fri May 18, 2007 6:32 am

I didn't like making my bed so a quarter could bounce off either. They did get me into shape. I decided that after college football and what the MC did to me I would not run ever again. I used to run a YMCA and played a lot of racquet ball. No I just lift some weights, walk a little (very little) and enjoy the retirement life. I will take what the Good Lord gives me and thank Him for the time on the land. Well I guess I had better begin my full day of downloading courses (hehe). FR
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Postby Bluenoser on Fri May 18, 2007 8:18 am

Not sure if this will help you any but here's a list of courses currently used on the LS Tour
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courses-courses everywhere-Part 2

Postby fundraiser on Fri May 18, 2007 8:57 am

Bruce-now that was great. You have saved me a bunch of time. I have started keeping my scores to see if I can better them and was just about ready to enter the list to exel. This does it for me. Thanks. FR
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Postby Walker_Boh on Fri May 18, 2007 2:10 pm

351 courses on the ol hd and burned to cd.. took awhile but course list is updated.. :lol:
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