According to me, Is it possible to change my name from Ron Kiwi to Ronkiwi or can you tell me how to get my name changed on order for me to log into the Tour. If an other name is required use "Ronald".
Sorry but he shortened his request to "Hi, Please advise how i can get this done" and then followed it with the fact that's all he had to of us is wrong........lookin' more like me every minute,...
It's interesting that so many spammers paste there posts into this particular topic thread. Is it because the word 'character' is in the subject heading?
I am previously named "drxdidi" at LSPN. Could you change my username "drxdidi" into "Didi Draxler" BUT pay attention!!! I am in with two usernames (my Fault) drxdidi and Didi Draxler So "Didi Draxler" has to be deleted and AFTER that, "drxdidi" has to be changed into "Didi Draxler"
I am an old player coming back to LSPN. My old user name was Chroming Rose. It seems we have the need to make a change and run the names together to ChromingRose.
Hello LSPN Team, coming back to Links 2003 after getting to work on Win 7 again I would like to have a name change cause my old one is not more used in any online activity.
Please change my nickname from "Grisu" to "Hellenstone". Many thanks Hellenstone aka Grisu
"The more I work and practice, the luckier I seem to get.” (~Gary Player)