Thanks for the intro Pete. While I introduced myself initially on Links Corner with the below thread a couple years ago, I have been enjoying Links since the mid 90s. I guess that makes me new to the community, but certainly not a new user of Links.
PGA Tour Replay LC Thread you noticed from my LC thread above, I originally started out playing Links (I was a super high 700th rated player back in the day on Chase's Ladder LOL), but really get my enjoyment out of it by creating PGA players using the AI/computer player ratings feature and replaying PGA seasons based on real world statistics. I also use those AI players as opponents when I really feel like playing a round and want some competition.
Being bored with the available player animations and not having enough of those available to represent all the PGA players, I went on a mission to figure out everything there is to know about animations. That mission started about 2 years ago and I'm about ready to wrap up that mission and move on to other things as there isn't much more to accomplish on that front.
I don't want to create all new posts on this site so I'll just reference the LC links to the important ani related threads I've had over the years. If you really want to get an understanding of all things ani related look over the below thread.
The anatomy of an ani are two main reasons I wanted Pete to introduce me here. The first is that I noticed there was more traffic here so I wanted to know if there was something I could provide on the ani front to this community as the interest in animations on the LC forum is almost non-existent. Second, as I already mentioned, I'm finishing up a few more things and then I'll probably be moving on from Links as far as the community involvement goes. For that reason, I wanted to make sure that if there was interest in anyone else doing animations going forward that I could help with that.
While the comment on the thread was that it appeared as though I had serious time on my hands, the reality is that I've worked 2 40 hour a week jobs for the last 23 years and just retired from one of them. The one I still have is 3rd shift from home while the rest of my family is sleeping so I do have 8 hours a night to do whatever I want around work calls. I do have 16 year old boy/girl twins that are heavily involved in sports so outside of those 8 hours I have next to no time for Links or anything else for that matter.
I've mooched off this community for over 2 decades and sincerely wanted to give back to it as a sign of gratitude for what I've gotten from it. If there interest is here in the ani stuff I'm here to help. If the interest isn't there then I can sleep at night knowing I've given back and offered to share my knowledge with the community.